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  1. Aloha! I'm a long time FDR follower and like many of you the material the have created has had a positive impact on my life. Many people are dependent on the system -- the prevailing institutions, many corrupted, many who's gains are overstated by downstream corruption. But the established system (a least a large portion) is bound for failure. A prime example: the US Federal Government is an enormous burden to those not dependent on it. The inevitable breakdown of these systems present opportunity. Government is largely an information system. I believe much of it can and could benefit from being modeled and operated by software. In some recent conversations with a variety of people, I believe a low cost on-line public notary system is one such opportunity. Do you have some spare time? I'd like to work with FDR members on projects to address these challenges and opportunities. If you agree, we can work on the notary. I don't think it would be difficult to build. If you want to work on another project, let's hear it! Properly managed, small contributions of a team of people add up. My name is Jason My specialty is Web development (LAMP (MySQL & PHP) stack) I can also write C, Java, Python, and BASH Some Computer Science at University Check out a related video: Cheers!
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