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  1. Bill Whittle had mentioned that Easy Rider was the big turning point that signaled the shift from the Right to the Left culturally. Now that "conservatism is the new counterculture," I'm wondering what the Rightist Easy Rider would look like. (Easy Righter?) (Uber Driver?) (Anarchy Self-Driving Car?) Easy Rider sold a certain set of values in a cool package. Could the same be done in the other direction? One wouldn't have recreational drug use, free love, cross-country advenure, or wild fashion to offer up as fun incentives. The right also doesn't have stereotypical boogie men like rednecks in pickup trucks and cops to get fictionally oppressed by in a movie. Maybe I have a lack of vision! Maybe my idea of fun and cool is still tied to the hedonism of the left because I grew up buying into it. I'd love to hear ideas on themes that an aspiring writer might chew on in creating a new landmark cultural film that somehow coolifies the right. Side note: I've never seen Easy Rider! I'm 35 and I love film, but I just haven't gotten around to some of those classics. Clockwork orange is another one that nags me. But from the plot summary, it says the main characters are coming off of a lucrative coke sale! My question is, for all the persecution these guys seemingly suffer, is it lost on the audience that they could indeed be heartless thugs participating in a blood-soaked black market for the sole purpose of making an easy dollar?
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