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  1. "What do I actually do?" is a question I hear an awful lot from young European men like me. I decided to make a checklist to make things simple for myself and to whomever is interested. The west is dying. Our governments are monstrously large, our vote doesn't seem to matter 80% of the time, and we are all isolated in our own little worlds. So what are the concrete steps to take to save Europe? This is what I want to initiate a dialogue about. Here are what knowledge I have accumulated from men and women much wiser than I: simple and doable for every common European young man. (To not make it seem like I am all words and no action, I will add what I am doing specifically under every point.) 1. Don't drink. Drink once with your family as you reach legal age, then don't drink again until you drink with your son. It's a waste of money, neurons, time, self-respect, health. - I drank a few times with my family only. I don't anymore, because I have seen my loved once drunk, and that was a sufficient argument for me. 2. Don't have sex. Until you can provide for a family, just don't. Plus, using other people for pleasure is the most repulsive thing in the world, even if it is consentual. - Unfortunately, I failed at this one. I was far too curious, but I haven't done it for a solid 2 years now. 3. Get into 3 fights. Loose one, win one, and draw one! If you haven't done this before you finish school, you can get back to this anytime. 4. Finish school. I know, school sucks, and it is essentially the latest form of slavery. But the fact of life is that you need that piece of paper to be considered a human being. Plus, school isn't THAT hard. - I got suspended numerous times for my behaviour (got a big mouth) at school, and I hated every minute of it, but it is good to know that I could survive that whole thing. 5. Get away from your parents! Use your momentum, and get away from the town your family lives in. Get into university, enlist in the militray, go volunteering, whatever really. Just get out! - I went to another city for university as soon as I finished school. It sucked, but I learned to be independent. 6. Go to 1 grownup party. You have to know how decadent your peers are. If you think you are missing out, trust me, you are not. There is nobody there that you want to be associated with once your career kicks off in a few years. 7. Work for free. This might sound weird to some people, but you have to learn what it is like to be a slave. Your currency is work ethic, experience, contacts, and above all, trust and appreciation. Money will follow. - I have worked as a volunteer for the Jesuit Order for a year, and seeing my value, they hired me as a part-time employee. Still, the biggest reward is that I have allies all around the world now. 8. Find what your mission. There are actually 3 steps to this: - What do you do in your free time? Your freetime activities are a good indicator to what you have affinity for. If you play games all day, you may have a future as a sortware developer. - What looks awful? Look around you, and find what you want fixed. Then fix it. - How do you look before God? At the end of your life, what will you have had to achieve in order to not to be ashamed to stand before your creator? 9. Eat well, sleep well, work well. 3 filling meals, 8 hours of sleep, 6 hours of work minimum, and 20 pushups per day. Simple as that. - I wake up every morning at 6 to go work out by the Danube river for an hour. Even in the winter. 10. Become independent of your parents if you haven't already. Get a paying job, or a scholarship. - I have been getting nothing from my parents for over a year. Feels pretty good. 11. Clean up your past. Arrange a meetup with your parents as soon as you become independent, and sit down to talk with them for 8 hours. If they refuse, offer to pay for their time. If they still refuse, they don't love you. Try again in 3 years or so. - I couldn't set things straight with my father yet. I invited him to Budapest, I arranged accommodation, entertainment, everything. But then he told me he was disappointed in me. It was a disaster. I shall try again next year, when I will invite him to Belgium. 12. Join a community. If you can't find a community, then make one. - This was probably the hardest for me, even though I am extremely blessed, as I have the best people around me as my colleagues. 13. Dress well. No need to complicate this. Just dress as if you were going to see your dream girl for the first time every single day. - Got this one down. 14. Read the Bible. Whether you like it or not, the bible is the foundation of western civilisation. Literally every single fairy tale, and movie production is a "gesunkenes Kulturgut" of the Bible. If you haven't read the Bible, you don't know what you are fighting for. - Checked. 15. Choose your place. If you haven't already, find a good spot to create your family, and to live out the rest of oyur life. This may be almost as difficult as predicting the stock market. - I am not here yet, but I have begun the research. 16. Find a woman, marry her, and love her. However, do not ignore the power of boners. Do not make your choice alone. Have your allies give you the green light. - Not there yet, but I have begun the research. 17. Make lots of soldiers. A population needs 2.1 babies per woman to sustain itself. But since not everyone has such foresight as you, you should make at least 6. Plus I need men for my crusade. 18. Homeschool your children for as long as it is legal. 19. Do not divorce. Affections will die, the wife will get old. It will be tempting, yet you will be a man of your word. 20. Fulfill your mission. You will know when you have.
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