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Found 3 results

  1. The US presidential race has been amazing so far. It's the most entertaining thing on television right now and I can't help but wonder what future campaigns will look like after Trump. What will the next guy have to bring to the table in order to top this one?
  2. I originally posted this in General discussion and there were no one commented. It thought maybe I would get a better conversation going Under anarchy. If not then I will drop it. Sorry for the double post, but I does not seem possible for me to delete my original post to move it to here. So when I as a teenager I was really into heavy metal and loved Mudvayne. I still enjoy this music now, but I recently started actually listening to the lyrics of the songs and was completely surprised. I am not sure if there are more hidden gems, but thissong in my mind puts all of my thoughts of anti-state into one bad ass song. I personally consider this my anarchist theme songand it usually helps me remember that I am not alone and one day we will end the tyranny. Because if even a bunch of young kids playing heavy metal music out of Peoria, IL can notice and speak out against the state then we all can.(they are not that young now but they were when they wrote this) http://www.azlyrics....ne/choices.html Does anyone else like this song and agree? Do you have your own anarchist theme song? Or do you know of any anarchist music in general that you would like to share with me and FDR? Lets all rock out and fight the man together!
  3. So when I as a teenager I was really into heavy metal and loved Mudvayne. I still enjoy this music now, but I recently started actually listening to the lyrics of the songs and was completely surprised. I am not sure if there are more hidden gems, but this song in my mind puts all of my thoughts of anti-state into one bad ass song. I personally consider this my anarchist theme song and it usually helps me remember that I am not alone and one day we will end the tyranny. Because if even a bunch of young kids playing heavy metal music out of Peoria, IL can notice and speak out against the state then we all can.(they are not that young now but they were when they wrote this) http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/mudvayne/choices.html Does anyone else like this song and agree? Do you have your own anarchist theme song? Or do you know of any anarchist music in general that you would like to share with me and FDR? Lets all rock out and fight the man together!
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