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  1. Don't settle for a bad therapist. I have been discussing with FDRers about therapy, and particularly with some, about the many "FDR therapist" -- who as far as I am concerned clearly incompetent. To start, I in no way intend to say they are all bad, but I am certain that there are some who are -- with whom I and others have worked with. In any case I just wanted to point a couple brief points. We all know working with a bad therapist is not only costly in terms of time and money --- but it is destructive to the mental health. When recognizing you have worked with a poor therapist you are forced to experience the pain of further betrayal from someone who's job it was to parent (or reparent) you. As far as I understand and have experienced, the therapist's job is to recognize and point out your patterns, offer tangible advice, provide insight on events and what may be going on, offer a safe, empathetic space and conversation, provide you with tools to further improve your well-being, and certainly be present in every moment. There are many problems with "therapists" who have not done enough of their own work --- mainly, they won't be able to help you with what they have not worked on themselves. This is inevitable. Once you bring up a topic in which the therapist has not worked through there are a couple possible outcomes. Either the therapist will not recognize what is going on, the therapist will have emotions come up which they will be forced to deal with -- which will inhibit their ability to focus and help you, the therapist will dissociate, or in covering up brought-up emotions, they will refuse to comment and help you with yours. These are just some of my thoughts which I wanted to write down. Am I at all on point? Way off? Please let me know! Be a skeptic; especially if part of you already is. **I say "you" as the person receiving therapy
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