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  1. http://www.munkdebates.com/debates/gender-in-the-21st-century I haven't really come across feminists expressing their views before so it was interesting for me to see what they have to say. Yet it quickly became obvious that their views lack substance, their talking points were repetitive, boring and vacuous. And of course it's deeply ironic how both the pro and con sides of this ostensible debate are feminists and this is considered a proper medium to discuss the role of gender in the 21st century. For juxtaposition, a text of Stefan's speech about feminism: http://pdfsr.com/pdf/feminism-speech.pdf.
  2. Specifically, in regards to Rob Ford's issue: I've seen a couple of podcasts where Stefan, like our liberal friends, is going nuts about Rob Ford's personal life. I'm yet to hear anything specific from Stefan about actual Ford's work as Mayor of Toronto. All the critisicm has this flavour of Toronto's Now! magazine(a heavily progressively communist one). So, why not to compare apples to apples? In the first podcast Ford's personal issues were listed together with Bill Clinton's Lewinsky scandal(personal in nature too) and with Obamacare. Why, why would you take apples(personal life) and compare it with oranges(work of Obama). I mean Bill Clinton's personality is paling comparing to his actions as President. It could be the case of Stefan, who admitted that he likes to watch television, is actually being influenced by heavily left propaganda. As anarchist, Stefan should by paying more attention to the professional realm of politicians and not their personal lives. I'm not saying Rob Ford is perfect as a mayor; however, he is a blessing, so to speak, for Toronto where any other candidate is openly communist. He's, at least, keeping tabs on uncontrollable spending (read: stealing) by the city full of commies. Just try to remember who he was running against Ford: George Smitherman, an addmitted heroin addict, who “mismanaged” $1 Billion(yes, with B) of funds while being a Health Minister of Ontario. Just something to think about.
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