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Found 2 results

  1. New Silk Road Goes Global, Including in the U.S.— This Is the Reason Trump Is Under Attack http://larouchepub.com/other/2017/4421nsr_global.html Lyndon LaRouche is the world's foremost economist and advocate for the same "win-win" infrastructure-based global economic revitalisation that is happening out of the locus of the recent Bejing talks between various world leaders including a representative of the Trump administration. This article further details the process of the Belt and Road Initiative, noting the various leaders from many continents who are participating. As the article says, "Do not believe the lie that Trump is on the defensive—that his actions have undermined his credibility, as peddled ad nauseam in the western media. The fact is, Trump is on the offensive, to end the British Imperial era of history. The British and their assets in the United States—the neocons in both parties and on Wall Street, and the corrupt elements in the intelligence community, especially the FBI—are absolutely hysterical now that the geopolitical division of the world into warring factions, is being replaced with a win-win policy based on the common aims of mankind. What is at stake for this imperial oligarchy is their ability to induce the U.S. population to passively accept austerity and war, which is being destroyed by Trump’s move to bring the United States into the New Silk Road, and to work with Russia to crush the terrorist scourge. His stated intention to restore Glass Steagall and the Hamiltonian American System of physical economy, simply drives the British assets further into panic mode. "As Helga Zepp-LaRouche reiterated in her many speeches and interviews in China this past weekend—she was a featured speaker at the Global Think Tank Summit at the Belt and Road Forum: if Donald Trump succeeds in bringing the United States into the new paradigm of the global Silk Road, he will be remembered as one of the great presidents of American history. The Belt and Road International Forum, she said, has set the world on a course to a final demise of Empire and the zero-sum game geopolitical mind-set that goes with it. This week there has been a dramatic phase shift in the history of humanity. "Paraphrasing Benjamin Franklin: There is now a new world economic order, if we can keep it."
  2. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/04/02/trump-new-trade-deals-will-eliminate-19-trillion-us-debt-8-years/ The title speaks for itself. Obviously the trade deficit alone can't pay off the debt. What does he really mean, and what would be the ramifications of this? This is another article, bashing his claim. Calling it impossible and magical. Is he really that wrong? Or is the WP missing some crucial facts? Could growth alone account for this increase in tax revenue? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/04/02/trumps-nonsensical-claim-he-can-eliminate-19-trillion-in-debt-in-eight-years/
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