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Found 8 results

  1. A group producing philosophical texts in Spanish and English are looking for someone to help with the translations. The contents are heavily FDR related so a person from this forum would be optimal for the job in order to deliver the message correctly. If you are interested, send me a message and I will forward the contact information for you!
  2. Hello folks, if you plan to translate FDR-related scripts into German I will gladly assist you, just give me a quick message and we can work on an arrangement. If there are others like me who speak a second language on a native's niveau, maybe we could use this thread to keep track of it. I am a native born German and I started learning English in 2006, since then I have consumed a lot of English Media, e.g. movies, videogames and music. I also took advanced English lessons at school but I doubt those will be of significance. Have a good day everyone!
  3. Books finally arrived at home.
  4. I am a parttime translator and want to translate Stefan's "Everyday Anarchy". Anyone here who speakes German and have a look at the two pages I translated so far? Any help with proofreading and feed back to Stefan and Michael will be greatly apreciated. Alltaegliche Anarchie.doc
  5. Hey guys, what do you think about a remake of the old Intro to Philosophy series as graphical fun videos, i.e. hand drawn or rendered that can be voiced over in any language? Do you know any artists who can help with drawing? We can start with one to get some feedback. Thanks!
  6. Hi all, Are there any FDR resources that are translated/adapted to other languages? Or maybe there are friendly international groups that mirror the content? I am specifically interested in the Russian market. For best results it would require dubbed or native videos (no CC) and VK (Russian Facebook) for social promotion. Thanks, Alex
  7. Hello everybody! I've recently started re-reading some of Stef's books because I thought a second reading would be useful to me. While re-reading On Truth, a thought came to my mind about translating it to French. I've seen on the forums some threads about tranlation to Hebrew for video subs and Spanish for a book but I don't think anything has been done into French at all. I would like to translate all the books Stef has written to contribute to the community and give it exposure to French-only speakers. I always loved reading and redacting and it seems like a fun and useful challenge to take on. If anyone wants to join in, I'll be glad to have teamates on this project! (Although, it would be very useful to be bilingual in French and English, obviously). I thought of using Google Drive to share our files but if you have any idea of a better alternative, feel free to talk about it. I will be starting with On Truth and after that moving on to the two existing volumes on Anarchy; Everyday Anarchy and Practical Anarchy. Once these are done, i'll see what other book i'll do. If you want to do a book, just tell me and i'll add it to the project. I'll keep the thread updated to match the progress of the work done.
  8. Hey! I've translated the On Truth to hungarian. If you have some hungarian friends, share it with them, or if you are a hungarian and you found an error in it, please contact me. Peace. http://www.4shared.com/office/RcTG2HHtce/Az_igazsg_tjn_-_Az_illzi_zsarn.html
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