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  1. The source of injustice My thought about injustice goes way back in the past where man started to use agriculture and breeding techniques to ameliorate his condition. As we know, from then, man expanded his number to the overpopulation of the modern humanity, and with the wealth his high technology brought to his kind, he exaggerated his consumption to the level we now witness. Why is it linked to present injustice ? Because we started to significantly act on nature by depriving other species to increase our own and by doing it de balanced ecosystems that are passed the point of no return. The same process occurred inside our bodies, our organs degeneration is in many case irreversible. This organic mutation in the bodies of modern man translate in the increasing of chronic diseases plaguing the urbanized populations around the world. We are responsible, from many generations ago, of what is now out of control. and our justice is k appealing. based today on the extreme position we stand on, therefore amplifying the injustice for others. As Lao Tseu suggest, when justice is named and imposed it is in fact injustice disguised to look appealing.
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