As I am new here, i felt I would start off with victimhood.We live in a culture of victimhood, and people who define themselves by it are often abusive themselves. I grew up in such an environment, but I refuse to be cruel to others.There must be a way to end this cycle. You can't be a victor when you're a victim of someone else, or your circumstances.Many cultures and even organizations such as education, government and religion cater to the mentality of victimhood, and foster it in order for a few to gain power over the many.If you are not rich, you are a victim of the rich.If you are overweight you are a victim of fast food companies.If you are a woman who is married to a terrible husband, you are a victim of men.So on, into infinity.Is there a way to deal with this problem? No, not if you treat the symptoms, as politicians, experts and others claim they can fix.The only way to fix this problem is to teach people that they are responsible for themselves, and any vulnerable people in their care, like children.
There must be a way to get more people out of the "victim of ____" mindset.