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Found 2 results

  1. I've recently been considering writing something about the parent child relationship and how its internalized, and I probably still will at some point. I'm bringing it up now because I just had a very emotionally and mentally challenging day while resolving some conflicts within the family and its related to the parent child relationship. The conflicts lead me to writing something to help me get back to a place of calm because I was very distressed during this time. I'll probably expand more on it later when I'm not as drained as I am right now, but I wanted to share the short bit that I just finished writing. Just to be clear this is very much emotional writing, not an intellectual argument being made. What I wrote: Where there is a child, there is a parent. Where there is a girl, there is a hero. They are inseparable just as weakness and strength is found within one another. The relationship with always exist, for one cannot be born without parent and one cannot exist having not ever been a child. The child and the parent. The girl and the hero. Weakness and strength. Need and resource. There is no shame in one or the other as both exist to serve one's survival. To fight one is to fight yourself. To hate one is to hate what keeps you alive. Weakness is not a passing stage in one's life but rather a companion that should never be forgotten. It is irreplaceable as one's own child and just as precious. It is a messenger that brings word of need. It gives council as to where one's focus should be and what yet must be learned. To who does it give it's message and council? It is to the parent, to the hero. It summons for the strength and resources carried within. If you accept and respect both parts of this relationship the message will be received and the summons will be heard. Where once you stumbled blindly, you will now be guided by wisdom. While before you fell, beaten by the cruelty of others you now rise, deflecting and shielded from those who would do you harm. When you are surrounded by those who are unable or unwilling to hear, you will always find a sensitive listener within. The girl needs her hero just as the hero needs the girl. Unity is the reward for those who love both.
  2. A very important message regarding a painfully common misconception about having psychoemotional struggles, feeling unsure, being "weak," and looking for help.
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