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  1. Do you try to overcome them? Some of mine: Indecisive or slow to make important decisions › I'm not sure this is a terrible flaw since I think it's good to be careful with big decisions. However, it inhibits my life when I become paralyzed with indecision. I seek to overcome this through journaling and consciously pushing myself to take risks. Social shyness and timidity › I've forced myself beyond my comfort zone in the past. It has taught me how to appear socially comfortable, but I find it difficult to achieve in reality. I think some of this is about being able to accept myself as I am, which ties in with the next flaw. Poor ability to express myself verbally › My vocabulary isn't bad, and I am able to physically speak (public speaking is reasonable). I clam up emotionally and this affects my ability to express myself. I was not encouraged to speak my mind as I grew up. I'm attempting to do better now with people I trust, but it is still difficult. Tendency to use food to deal with stress › I maintain a healthy weight, but still feel negative about overeating sometimes due to emotional reasons. I am coping with this through calorie counting at the moment. Perfectionism and fear of failure › This is something I fight regularly. I have to constantly remind myself that I wouldn't get anything worthwhile done if demanded perfect every time. Procrastination and avoidance › This is better than it used to be. I think Stefan talked about procrastination as being a response to a slave-driver mentality. When I set reasonable tasks and treat myself with respect, procrastination is lessened.
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