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  1. I would like some opinions on weaning. My daughter is now 22 months old and is still nursing. We co-sleep and she nurses to sleep, both for naps and for bedtime, and two or three times during the night. I'm the only one who can really put her to bed. I left her with my husband a few nights ago and she screamed for two straight hours at bedtime. Alos, if she had the choice, she'd probably nurse for all of her meals and just eat a few snacks. She's a very picky eater, more than most toddlers (Apples, bananas, yogurt, broccoli, toast, french fries and chicken nuggets pretty much sums it up). I'm torn over whether or not I should wean her. On the one hand, I'd like her father to be able to put her down for sleep and I'd like to be able to get a full night's rest. I'd be lieing if I didn't say that I also feel a lot of pressure from my friends and family. One the other hand, if it's something that she still needs, I don't want to deprive her of it. I just bought the book, "The No-Cry Sleep Solution for Toddler and Pre-schoolers" by Elizabeth Pantley and she has a lot of great ideas. I'm planning on taking two months to wean my daughter very slowly. But part of me wants to let her self-wean. Anyone have any good advice or ideas when it comes to this?
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