I've recently begun learning programming "full-time" about two months, with a focus on web development. So far I've done Codecademy's Python, HTML & CSS and Javascript, done most of Learn Python The Hard Way and am doing a couple Coursera courses.
My aim is to actually learn enough to be able to find an entry-level job in the field, and go from there. As you can see, I'm learning using online resources, and am really trying to avoid my country's god-awful state (higher) education.
I was wondering if anyone is planning to embark on or is currently on the same journey as me? I'd really like to connect up, I believe that the right company can be very stimulating while learning - and there's not much of it physically around me (I live in a small town currently).
Also, if there's anyone who is currently working in the field (be it Web or not), could you give me 20 minutes of your time? I have some questions on the subject, and I'd be very grateful to talk to someone who has experience. Maybe you could PM me?
Thanks a lot!