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  1. At the risk of sounding like a white supremacists, I wanted to let people know that the dream of white ethno-state already exists, and it is thriving in the state of Utah. Now I have nothing against other races - usually judge people as individuals, and by their actions. However, I do know that in this day and age, I feel safe living in the state of Utah - I trust the peoples values and know they will in general protect western values. When I see general social decay across the US, I know, that is not happening in Utah. When I see employee unions destroying the rights of workers across the US, I thank my atheist god I live in a right-to-work state like Utah. When I see Black Lives Matter protests in Ferguson, I know, that won't happen in Utah. When I see leftists rioting conservative speakers, I know, that won't happen in Utah. When I see Democrat state governments ever increasing the taxing and regulating of their citizens - I thank Cthulu I am in Utah. Etc. Etc. We are also replacing ourselves. Utah has the highest total fertility rate in the United States at 2.29 per women. ....and the Economy is great: Number 1 score for America’s Top States for Business 2016 (http://www.cnbc.com/2016/07/12/americas-top-states-for-business-2016-the-list-and-ranking.html) Number 1 score for 2016’s States with Best Economy (https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-the-best-economies/21697/) 6th Fastest Growing Economy (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/states-fastest-growing-economies_us_576449abe4b0853f8bf0ce6e) >2015 GDP growth: 3.3% > 2015 GDP: $131.2 billion (19th smallest) > 1-yr. population change: 1.7% (6th largest increase) > 2015 unemployment: 3.5% (5th lowest)v 8th in overall economic performance of 50 states (http://www.governing.com/topics/politics/gov-state-economic-rankings-governor-ratings.html) For a cherry on top, if you like the great outdoors Utah offers 1.2 million acres of wilderness. From great mountains to endless deserts, Utah has it all. I have spent my life here, been to most of it, but there is still a lifetime of places to explore. Soooo.... If you are a US citizen and want to live by your work, want to live up and be JUDGED to western values, need not apply, you are WELCOME TO COME.
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