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  1. So I had a very short discussion with a friend of mine about why she won't buy an iPhone. I remembered I had read that the working conditions at Foxconn are actually much better than working conditions elsewhere because everything has to be very clean when working with delicate electronics. She countered by saying, "Just because the working conditions are better, doesn't mean they are good." At the time I didn't know how to respond, but a few minutes later what popped into my head was, "Compared to what?" I think it didn't come to mind immediately because her argument was already a "Compared to what?" kind of argument. If Foxconn is the best possible job that person X can get, you are (in part) depriving person X of the best possible job he can get by NOT buying an iPhone. If no one bought iPhones & Foxconn closed it's doors, what would happen to all of the people employed there? Go back to making footballs or shoes? Go into the sex trade? Just curious how others would have responded. (PS I don't think it is immoral to not buy an iPhone)
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