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Found 2 results

  1. A new article, where I comment on a response I got that argues yelling at your child is okay, even useful. In it, I explain why this is not the case, and analyze the response itself and how it reflects on the psyche of somebody who thinks this way. Response I received: "Not that I do not agree with any of this, but as a parent (and someone abused badly as a child--in most all ways), I can say some of it is ridiculous. I am sorry. Parents sometimes yell at their children. They get punished and disciplined as the situation dictates, and ALWAYS mine know why. The world is not going to be always empathetic to ones problems. There is not going to be people around to SOOTH them all their lives...sorry, but that is true. No, if my kid has a slight scrape I won't over indulge them (they are 10, 12, and 15) as they must learn to do it for themselves too. I am not abusive, but, as most parents will admit, I am not perfect. But, the world is not an empathetic place...by and large...they should not have to learn that the hard way. I do not beat, neglect, nor have scared my kids the way I have been. Seeing as I was abused, I do make en effort to do the best I can to not repeat. I agree everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, but, people piss people off...and one should be able to correct a wrong and be heard...if yelling is needed to be heard...so be it! " Read my analysis here: http://blog.selfarcheology.com/2016/04/q-i-yell-at-my-children-and-they-will.html
  2. Hi, Stefan have presented so much good info about peaceful parenting during the years, that sometimes I get lost in all the material. Which podcast would be the best on info/facts about yelling at kids and the effect on brain development? Any advices? Or other links to studies? I have this Facebook-discussion currently with people claiming that yelling to kids is important when they "do not behave" and stupid arguments like that, and I will present only the best facts and direct them to best possible material/studies. Although, some of the people discussing with me, say "what if the studies are wrong" .. haha oh my, please help me guys, please help me :)
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