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  1. EDIT: Used smooching instead of mooching, originally. Fixed. I have watched many episodes on Dr. Phil, where they talk about a child, usually a young adult (18 - 30) who is living with their parents, and more often than not, living off of their money, as well. Both Dr. Phil and Stefan encourage young adults to get out of their (often abusive) homes, get a job, start small, and slowly grow bigger - professionally. I understand that both of them went through this, in their own lives; where they were forced to go and work in menial labour, as they did not enjoy funding from their parents, as teenagers and young adults. Now, about me. I am 27 years old. I live with my parents, and I live off of their money, including purchasing occasional goods. My childhood story, and even current story, is not a pleasant one. A lot of problems at home, which were partially opened for discussion during my twenties, but only partially solved, and mostly shoved under the rug, in shame. However, I am an autodidactic student and artist. Even as a young boy, I have felt that school was a waste of time, and that most people around me are entirely not inquisitive, interested, or curious about life and living; unlike myself. I have tried and quit 3D graphics, web programming, and book authoring. I am continuously working, without pay, as a blogger, short story author, and narrator. I am very happy doing these - as compared to my previous not creative & boring years, but I do suffer the obvious lackings of such a lifestyle: mostly physically alone, without my own funds, and no place of my own. Which brings me to my very personal question, to you, my fellow Freedomain community members. Am I missing out, or doing a mistake, or being naive, by staying at a dysfunctional house (although mostly empty and quiet), working alone, daily, in front of my computer, and trying different ventures and professions, as an entrepreneur?
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