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Columnist calls for gun confiscation, death of gun owners

Alan C.

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Des Moines columnist calls for repeal of Second Amendment, death of gun owners

In an op-ed at the Des Moines Register, retired columnist Donald Kaul called for, among other things, a repeal of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, the forced elimination of the NRA as an organization, and the death of gun owners who refuse to give up their arms, Newsbusters reported Monday.

"Here, then, is my 'madder-than-hell-and-I’m-not-going-to-take-it-anymore' program for ending gun violence in America," he wrote.

"Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the need for a 'well-regulated militia.' We don’t make our militia bring their own guns to battles. And surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right," he wrote.

"Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did," he added.

Kaul said he would also "raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional."

After saying he would make "ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony," Kaul announced that he would punish such ownership with the death penalty.

"If some people refused to give up their guns, that 'prying the guns from their cold, dead hands' thing works for me," he wrote.

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You know it's a liberal article when it involves genocide and/or mass murder, but you cannot tell how serious they are. At least conservatives have the stones to spell out their bigotry in serious tones without attempting to couch it all in jest. Either way, it's quite apparent that the US is headed for more central authority; appeals to the power of the state such as this are too numerous to count. The tax cattle are moaning for more beef to make them safe.

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I wonder how this guy imagines how these raids would take place. Would the individuals executing the raids themselves be using guns? Obviously. He's implying that "guns are OK for me to use to take away your guns."

No hypocrisy here.

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Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly
written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an
absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the
need for a 'well-regulated militia.'


Can someone check my Constitutional literacy here?

Isn't the second amendment simply redundant emphasis of what is already stated in the previous articles, as shown through the ninth amendment? I always scratch my head at the lack of absolute basic understanding of constitutional principles that people going around screaming about the constitution appear to possess.


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To answer your question, I would have to pretend that the constitution:

1. Is a contract to which I am a signator.

2. Has done a good job checking federal power.

3. Is not completely ignored by all branches and units of government at all levels.

I have given up trying to interpret that document, because it is obviously meaningless.


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To answer your question, I would have to pretend that the constitution:

1. Is a contract to which I am a signator.

2. Has done a good job checking federal power.

3. Is not completely ignored by all branches and units of government at all levels.

I have given up trying to interpret that document, because it is obviously meaningless.



Yea, I wanted to imply that these points should be ignored. Constitutional literacy, in relation to itself.




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Another instance of double speak:

"The 2nd amendment does not allow / does not mean for the people to be armed"

"We need to repeal the 2nd amendment so we can disarm the people"

If the 2nd amendment doesn't mean what it says, then why bother repealing it? The government could just go ahead and take the guns away. However, if he's saying, they need to repeal the 2nd amendment in order to take the guns, he admits that the constitution protects gun owners. Can't have it both ways..

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Iowa Lawmaker on 'Semi-Automatic' Firearms: 'I Think We Need to Start Taking Them'

A Democratic state lawmaker in Iowa told an Iowa newspaper he not only wants semi-automatic weapons banned in his state, he would like to see the weapons confiscated from anyone in Iowa who has already bought them.

“We cannot have big guns out here as far as the big guns that are out here, the semi-automatics and all of them,” Rep. Dan Muhlbauer (D-Manilla) told the Carroll (Iowa) Daily Times-Herald. “We can’t have those running around out here. Those are not hunting weapons. We should ban those in Iowa.”

Staff writer Douglas Burns reported that Muhlbauer supports a statewide ban and a voluntary buy-back plan, “but he would go further if needed” -- and that “the state of Iowa should take semi-automatic weapons away from Iowans who have legally purchased them prior to any ban that is enacted if they don’t give their weapons up in a buy-back program.”

“Even if you have them, I think we need to start taking them,” Muhlbauer was quoted as saying. “We can’t have those out there. Because if they’re out there they’re just going to get circulated around to the wrong people. Those guns should not be in the public’s hands. There are just too many guns.”

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I tried to shame this Muhlbauer douche in an email. I know, worse than a letter to Santa. His confiscation idea makes me angry. I know people who have invested much wealth in their collection, and the thought of confiscation almost has me in tears. Of course this sloppy vagina, Muhlbauer, will not be the one ringing door bells. He will have slaves armed with the very weapons that are being confiscated to do his work for him. My hope is that the slaves refuse to take orders. I have close friends in the military, and I do not think they will take orders such as this. Of course, they do take some other orders that I wish they would refuse, so it is probably irrational to put my hope in their morality. I think this issue, if pressed, can force the dissolution of the US. It is crazy that with all of the other equally important issues, this is the one that causes people to stand up, but it seems to be true.

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The constitution has nothign to do with your natural right of self defense.  It does not matter what is written down on any piece of paper, you always have, and always will enjoy a natural right to self defense, in any situation.

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