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I remember listening to a call-in show a while ago where a guy, who previously had been living in Sweden, talked about his perceptions of the country. Stefan did a short citation from an old paper about Sweden (from Mises.org) and the guy requested an analysis of the Swedish ystem.

This analysis is something I'm very much in favor of.

As an enlightened Swede, I'm genuinely concerned about the state of things in the area - the state, political system. I would therefore appreciate a overall analysis made by an outlander voluntaryist perspective.

I therefore suggest some sources that I find worth looking at, or at least knowing that they exist. (Some in Swedish, Google Translate might be useful to some extent)

But first, here are some points worth mentioning about the state of the current political discussion in Sweden:

  • Established political parties have been aggresively covering-up failed immigration policy since the populist Sweden Democrats entered the Riksdag (the parliament).
  • Silenced critique about free speech as the established press spread ignorance. They set the agenda for discussions.
  • The Assange case (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assange_v_Swedish_Prosecution_Authority)

There are some official government-runned sources for information.

Swedish news in English:

Most popular televison channels. News programs sorted under:

Biggest news papers  (in Swedish):

Places for debating, publishing articles (in Swedish):

This is a publication that I find interesting. It brings some critique about the welfare tax system from a historical perspective.

Some Wikipedia articles about Sweden and the system:

Largest opposing political parties:

About Free Speech and Free press:

Reason.com has published some articles and videos about Sweden:


Cato Institute:

I don't know if the following is a joke, but I include it anyway:


These is certainly not everything, but they are some sources I think of. Sorry, if some might not en up useful.

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