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Potential Guest: Dr. Gary Tunsky / Re: What the cell is going on


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Hey I watched this video in which Dr. Gary Tunsky offered a very interesting perspective on health and sickness

Whether he is right in what he says or not I think he would be a great guest for Freedomain Radio

Stef could put his critical facuty into full force and ask Gary some pretty decent questions on his theory, why you or he thinks it hasn't had more mainstream appeal

etc etc etc


I think this would be a very good and useful thing to happen

I have contacted his assistant ahead of time because I didn't want to bother Stef with this request if he wasn't available for interviews

she says that if he was invited to go on the show he would accept!


I would like to encourage Stef in the direction of taking up Dr. Gary Tunsky as a guest,


does anyone else think it's a good or bad idea and why?


Love and best wishes.

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