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Attempting to Write "The God Delusion" for Voluntarism


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I'm writing a book for fun, the aspiration is to be the "The God Delusion" for ancaps. That is, to have a rational atheist acknowledge that the fallacies that they grew out of in catholicism are directly parallel to their notion of America and then accept the invalidity of the state.

The working title is

America: The Root Of All Evil

How Notions Of Collective Identity Are A Plague Upon Humanity

How's that for an incendiary title?

The thought is that atheists who have accepted atheism through rationally dissecting the fallacies specific to catholicism already have given themselves the capacity to see through those specific fallacies. Its a capacity they can not turn off, even should they wish to. Like building an immune system, your body remembers a previous virus and is no longer susceptible to it. The hypothesis is all one needs to do is have their rational immune system recognize the fallacies of religion/state are the same then have they themselves either through logical consistency, become a theist again or accept the invalidity of state.

Anyway I would love the FDR community's input on this as an undertaking, would this be something you would read? Would this be something you could give to a rational atheist friend? Do any articles or books already cover this topic? Has this topic already been handled in this way? I've never written anything substiantal before and am doing this mostly for the joy of writting it, any help or wish to aid would be greatly appreciated.

Imagine if we could convert the rational atheists of the world

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I don't understand how America is the root of all evil. Did they invent evil or collective identity?

It seems like you're using a collective identity to denounce that concept.

Also, what is a 'collective identity'?  And how do we know when there is one or isn't?


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I like the title with one exception.... I would replace America with statism. To be sure, America is a fantastic example of minarchism gone empire but, using the word in the title will stop a lot of people from reading it simply because of the emotional reaction their patriotism will incite. Statism, on the other hand, is a word most people can't define even if they've heard it, so if you use that word you stand a better chance of luring in a few people you might otherwise turn away. Plus, it's inclusive of all nation states. Of course, that's not to say you shouldn't use America as a perfect example of statism but, not on the cover.


I'd also like to offer a suggestion on a subtitle... "How Patriotism Has Robbed Your Identity"  Or maybe Nationalism?


In any event, I'd love to see this book written. Just recently I joined the Thinking Atheist forum and have been blown away by the statist indoctrination these people suffer. Likewise, every single prominent figure in the atheist movement writ large seems to be a far left democrat/socialist and frankly, that's a real slap in the face of rational thinking. So much so that I would hesitate to call these people "rational" atheists. Rational about religion perhaps, but not generally rational.


I'm not much in the way of creative writing but I'm pretty good at proof reading and editing so if you need some help... I'm happy to do anything I can.

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Why not just parallel as closely as possible?

"The State Delusion" or "The America Delusion" or "The National Delusion."

Then match it chapter for chapter.

I haven't read The God Delusion, but Wikipedia states it has 4 major theses...

  1. Atheists can be happy, balanced, moral, and intellectually fulfilled.
  2. Natural selection and similar scientific theories are superior to a "God hypothesis"—the illusion of intelligent design—in explaining the living world and the cosmos.
  3. Children should not be labelled by their parents' religion. Terms like "Catholic child" or "Muslim child" should make people cringe.
  4. Atheists should be proud, not apologetic, because atheism is evidence of a healthy, independent mind.

    So how does that align with the ancap argument?

    • Anarchists can be happy, moral and fulfilled
    • Voluntary exchanges are superior to violence -- the illusion of social planning -- in solving the problems of the world.
    • Children should not be indoctrinated by the state. Terms like "American child" or "Chinese child" should make people cringe.
    • Anarchists should be proud, not apologetic, because anarchism is evidence of a healthy, independent mind

    If you directly pattern the arguments against the state after Dawkins arguments against God, I bet the book practically writes itself.

    I'd love to read such a work.

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  • Anarchists can be happy, moral and fulfilled
  • Voluntary exchanges are superior to violence -- the illusion of social planning -- in solving the problems of the world.
  • Children should not be indoctrinated by the state. Terms like "American child" or "Chinese child" should make people cringe.
  • Anarchists should be proud, not apologetic, because anarchism is evidence of a healthy, independent mind

I think you've nailed it there, Nathan. I would certainly read that book.

The only point that's slightly awkward is number three, because a term like "American child" could also be used geographically, and such usage would be legitimate. For example, "Most American children speak English or Spanish". But I can't think of a better term right now ("Comrade children of the nation-state" comes to mind but it doesn't work for me either).

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The working title is

America: The Root Of All Evil

If you call it that, your book will only be read by those who think that America is the root of all evil, which would be a vanishingly small number of people. But if you call it "States of Delusion" or somesuch, you may appeal to a wider range of readers.

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I think saying America in the title is a bit like putting Catholicism in the title.  As if to focus on either of them, instead of the broader thesis.  Like God Delusion was 'The Catholic Delusion', and only demonized Catholics instead of religion in general.

Obviously statists in other countries will have no problem with anti-Americanism.  And other religions will love to hear something bad about Catholicism.

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