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Anarchist danger


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 Sorry if this idea has already been discussed but it's been on my mind since I first started listening to Stef. I was just reminded of it after reading "The End of America" by Naomi Wolf.

Stef talks about freedom coming.

But I imagine before real freedom is experienced the US has a much higher chance of moving into some form of dictatorship (or practical dicatorship), especially relgiously fundamentally based . When things get bad economically then a strong leader (brute) shows up and promises solutions and blames the problems on scapegoats.

Anyway, my point is, wouldn't it be the easiest thing in the world for government or a leader to label Anarchists as domestic terrorists?

All that would have to happen is an individual or group that labels themselves as anarchists, or who studied and liked the teachings of people like stef, commit some crazy act of violence agaisnt the state.

Imagine the way it would be spun in the media and through state soundbites. The term already has only a negative image in the publics mind. I don't thnk it would matter much that stef has only ever talked peaceful solutions.

I have so much respect and admiration for Stefs courage and commitment, but isn't there a real danger of him, his family (gods forbid) and his students being put on a LIST or even detained in the future?

Or am I being paranoid?

Naomi said in a video she would stop speaking out when the first reporter is labelled an enemy and detained. Will there be a time anarco-capitalists would also have to do the same?


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We're (voluntarists) an exceptionally rare few. Sometimes it is safe to show your true Self and sometimes it isn't. When dealing with government agents, I never show my true Self. I comply and move on as quickly as I can. When around children in a school setting, I initiate a verbal contract wherein neither they nor I will tell any parents or authority figures what we've talked about. When dealing with banks, I don't show my true Self. 


We survive by camoflauge. Generally, the approach of peaceful parenting is the most State-proof means of resisting the system and enacting change. It draws the LEAST amount of attention from people with guns. 

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