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Why do parents leave their kids in bad schools and say that the school their kid goes to is good ?


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I was having a discussion with someone on youtube.


He was saying that 80% of parents think the public school system is bad, but 80% of them also think that the school their kid goes to is good.


clearly they are just justifying their own bad decisions on their childs behalf... but why do they do this ?

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Maybe so parents can take the role of "good cop" or maybe because the parents want to justify the way they send their child to prison everyday or maybe if the treatment at school is believed to be good then the bad treatment at home looks like a walk in the park in comparrison, or all of the above, or none of the above. Just some random guesses coming outta my neck.

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I think its more to do with the cost (in terms of inconvenience, money, time and admitting a mistake was made), of taking them out of a school is higher than the cost of leaving them in... i.e. making some small post facto justifications. Which implies that there is quite a low value placed on the quality of school for the kid.

also, like when you buy an expensive camera or similar, you are likely to defend your purchase, even as evidence mounts that it was not the best camera you could buy for the money... eventually when there is enough evidence, you have to admit a mistake was made, but this is a lot later than a neutral observer would be able to point that out.


sorry for my terrible grammar / sentance orgainsation !! i hope you get my meaning .

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I tend to be a little bit more sympathetic, I think that parents are forced to pay for a terrible system, and then avoid that violence by pretending that the system is good.

I mean, they can't change the violence, they may not have the money to homeschool or send their children to a private school, mostly because taxes are so high, so why torture themselves with focusing on an evil they cannot change?

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I think most people are not aware of the violence. Not here in Sweden at least. The centerparty here recently suggested relaxing the compulsory school rules, relaxing the immigratin rules and relaxing the marriage rule (polygamy).  they plummeted in the poles.

This is an interesting survery about what leads families to homeschool/unschoolhttp://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/freedom-learn/201203/what-leads-families-unschool-their-children-report-ii

I know that when you go and look round a school, it might seem perfectly good.. and all other parents with their kids in that school are likely to say it is good for reasons mentioned before. So signing up for the school could be done in good faith, but once in , the good faith is overtaken with blind faith ,  or rather the cost of change outweighs the benefit of change which again puts a relatively low value on the childs wellbeing.

Before the internet parents could claim not to know about alternatives, but that would be hard to argue now.


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I tend to be a little bit more sympathetic, I think that parents are forced to pay for a terrible system, and then avoid that violence by pretending that the system is good.

I mean, they can't change the violence, they may not have the money to homeschool or send their children to a private school, mostly because taxes are so high, so why torture themselves with focusing on an evil they cannot change?


" they may not have the money to homeschool..."

I completely disagree with this. There doesnt have to be any aditional expense to homeschool children, it can actually be much cheaper then sending them off to public school.

I may be a little harsh on parents that dish out lame excuses but I think that if home school is legal then every parent should have no excuse (outside of sheer ignorance) for sending their kids to public school.

"why torture themselves with focusing on an evil they cannot change?"

Parents do have the ability to change the evil... by not inflicting violence or abuse on their children. Forcing your kids to go to public school falls in that catagory if you ask me.

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money to homeschool..."

I completely disagree with this. There doesnt have to be any aditional expense to homeschool children, it can actually be much cheaper then sending them off to public school.

I may be a little harsh on parents that dish out lame excuses but I think that if home school is legal then every parent should have no excuse (outside of sheer ignorance) for sending their kids to public school.


Can you expand on that? How is homeschooling cheap? 

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money to homeschool..."

I completely disagree with this. There doesnt have to be any aditional expense to homeschool children, it can actually be much cheaper then sending them off to public school.

I may be a little harsh on parents that dish out lame excuses but I think that if home school is legal then every parent should have no excuse (outside of sheer ignorance) for sending their kids to public school.


Can you expand on that? How is homeschooling cheap? 


Because you don't have to pay anything extra to facilitate learning.

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If you have to give up your job to homeschool , it is very expensive.


If parents or a parent was able to take care of their child when they were 4 years old (before school age) then they should have no problem maintaining that care.

Like Stef said in the past, parents can cut back on their lifestyle in order to avoid subjecting their kid(s) to abuse. 

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If parents or a parent was able to take care of their child when they were 4 years old (before school age) then they should have no problem maintaining that care.



Thats a great point.  So , most parents either truly believe their child is going to a good place everyday... or they attach so little value to the childs wellbeing that it doesn't matter.. or somewhere in the middle .. a bit of both.

i.e.   a combination of propoganda (which works on ignorance)  and selfishness    ..... and the more they claim that the school is good, the less they have to admit to the selfishness.

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If you have to give up your job to homeschool , it is very expensive.


If parents or a parent was able to take care of their child when they were 4 years old (before school age) then they should have no problem maintaining that care.

Like Stef said in the past, parents can cut back on their lifestyle in order to avoid subjecting their kid(s) to abuse. 


You are contradicting your previous post...

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If you have to give up your job to homeschool , it is very expensive.


If parents or a parent was able to take care of their child when they were 4 years old (before school age) then they should have no problem maintaining that care.

Like Stef said in the past, parents can cut back on their lifestyle in order to avoid subjecting their kid(s) to abuse. 


You are contradicting your previous post...


I added that statement for the parents who have already put
their kids in public school and have relied on it as a babysitter. 

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If you have to give up your job to homeschool , it is very expensive.


If parents or a parent was able to take care of their child when they were 4 years old (before school age) then they should have no problem maintaining that care.

Like Stef said in the past, parents can cut back on their lifestyle in order to avoid subjecting their kid(s) to abuse. 


You are contradicting your previous post...


BTW cutting back to a more sustainable lifestyle does not
constitute an expense imo

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