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Why do we have a postcount?


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The post count does not create preconceptions. People do. Because some find it useful, it should stay, so long as it is the will of the site owner. If someone has ideas that are skewed due to a post count, it is a problem for that individual and not a function of the post count.


Indeed, if someone has ideas that are biased due to a postcount then that is a problem for that individual and the postcount is not to blame. But at the end of the day we still have the individuals with a biased opinion due to the postcount and I believe this forum should aim to be a place as free as possible of the noise of let's call them biasmagnets. Nothing important will be lost with the removal of postcount, but a reduction of the possible biases in discussions will be gained.


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Nothing useful will be lost according to you. Others have proclaimed the utility of the post count information. Could you not ignore the post count data as an individual, and associate with those who choose to do the same? You would have many potential associates remaining who would be closer to your system of value, should you choose ignorance of prior posts as a basis.

I understand your concern. I do not believe your methodology is sound, should freedom be a value you hold dear. Demanding removal of data based on the potential of future bias is a little troubling. It sounds a little like political correctness. No offense, because I have found your posts on this matter to be civil and engaging. 

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I think a postcounter isn't particularly important, but can be interesting to have as a feature on a forum.  I really don't think it's something that is deserving of the gravity you might give it - but maybe I'm wrong!  I think an interesting question would be, what does the postcount mean to you?  You've mentioned that it "create preconceptions about the user", does it?  And if it does, what's wrong with that?  There maybe some correlation between number of posts and understanding of the ideas and workings at FDR and the forum, but they're certainly not a sole factor or a causal relationship.  For example, I think it's fair to say that I understand the ideas at FDR well, but I have a low postcount.  If someone has 2 posts, it is fair to say that the user is probably new to posting on this forum, or at least is new to posting with that account.  If someone makes a false preconceived notice of a user based on postcount - it is the person, not the postcount, that is at issue.  It's like saying rocks are the issue if a man mistakes them for a donkey.  Given this; what is your history with people who have made false judgements and iillegitimate conceptions of you?  Has this occured in your life?  What was your experience of this?

Thanks! :)

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I guess we have a postcount because it's the default for this forum software.

I'd be happy for the forum to drop the postcount. As far as I'm concerned, "quality" is important but "quantity" has no relevance.

On the other hand, some forums have a "Thanks" button and a "thanks count". That would be worthwhile.

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I think a postcounter isn't particularly important, but can be interesting to have as a feature on a forum.  I really don't think it's something that is deserving of the gravity you might give it - but maybe I'm wrong!  I think an interesting question would be, what does the postcount mean to you?  You've mentioned that it "create preconceptions about the user", does it?  And if it does, what's wrong with that?  There maybe some correlation between number of posts and understanding of the ideas and workings at FDR and the forum, but they're certainly not a sole factor or a causal relationship.  For example, I think it's fair to say that I understand the ideas at FDR well, but I have a low postcount.  If someone has 2 posts, it is fair to say that the user is probably new to posting on this forum, or at least is new to posting with that account.  If someone makes a false preconceived notice of a user based on postcount - it is the person, not the postcount, that is at issue.  It's like saying rocks are the issue if a man mistakes them for a donkey.  Given this; what is your history with people who have made false judgements and iillegitimate conceptions of you?  Has this occured in your life?  What was your experience of this?

Thanks! :)


I appreciate your concern for my self knowledge. As I've stated before, I've been through all those questions (and more) before I created the thread and still had the thought that the postcount has no place in a philosophy forum because I could not come up with any important reason as to why we have it but I could see how it could create problems. Throughout the thread there have been some users who have talked about some preconceptions that the postcount creates. Sure these are projections of a user onto another user, but the postcount is the catalyzer and as it serves no important purpose I think it's much better to remove the postcount than to fill the forums with more noise that hinders the discussion of more important topics. 

The postcount is not to blame but I think that if we can have a forum where there are the least number of elements that aid in the creation of preconceptions the better. It's about optimization rather than problem solving.

Finally, If the preconceptions of others are only a problem for them, then why do people try to create a good impression in a job interview? Would you feel completely equal about someone who shows up to a job interview at a computer repair workshop in a hoodie and mud stained jean shorts than someone who shows up nicely dressed and groomed? I think the postcount is part of the user's image on the forums, low postcount being "less powerful" and more "likely to be a troll" and thus like showing up badly dressed. I think we can optimize the system, that's all.

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 I find it interesting but dissapointing that many of you try to put the focus upon my self knowledge instead of directly debating my arguments. Surelly if my arguments against a postcount are wrong you guys could argument the reasons why you believe so instead of creating ad homien fallacies.



I understand your concern. I do not believe your methodology is sound, should freedom be a value you hold dear. Demanding removal of data based on the potential of future bias is a little troubling. It sounds a little like political correctness. No offense, because I have found your posts on this matter to be civil and engaging.


I am not demanding the removal of the postcount, I am argumenting why I think it's detrimental to a philosophy oriented forum. There is a huge difference between demanding and argumenting.

Could you at least provide an argument as to why you think it's "a little troubling" to argument that the forum will be better optimized to the discussion of philosophy without a post count?

Could you also explain what was the initial purpose of the postcount, keeping in mind we already have the date we joined the forum right above the postcount, and why it's important?

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