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Will America Descend into a Civil War?

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Stefan Molyneux, host of Freedomain Radio - and recent winner of the 2012  Liberty Inspiration Awards - is interviewed by Michael Shanklin of http://voluntaryvirtues.com/


1:40 What is voluntarism?

11:48 Anarcho Capitalism vs Anarcho Syndicalism

14:00 How would a free society survive among statist societies?

18:30 Can a free society survive when it trades with a statist society?

27:20 Can we achieve freedom by reestablishing a constitutional government?

32:10 Will America descend into a civil war?

38:40 What is the one thing that we can do to bring about freedom?

44:12 What role does personal virtue play in spreading freedom?


Freedomain Radio is the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web - http://www.freedomainradio.com

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Funny how liberals forget about Vietnam and the (ongoing) insurgency in Afghanistan when it comes to gun laws.

History is replete with examples of small arms and improvised weapons, in the hands of locals, giving much larger and more advanced forces a hard time.

So no, they do not have a point.


That is also a interesting point, but I think Americans are a long way from perceiving government as occupational force. That's kind of what are we doing here, isn't it... when they finally come to that conclusion, yes, this differences will not matter anymore.
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There won't be a civil war between statists and non-statists.

If there is a civil war, it'll be between groups of statists fighting over control of the State.

I know this because they've already been fighting over control of the State through the electoral process. Once that option become unviable, they may resort to other options.

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Liberals can never defeat guerilla warriors because it relies on not killing the warriors themselves but the innocents who surround them and supply them with provisions. If they are willing to kill the innocents they cease to be the left. Mao Tse Tung wrote a book on how to campaign a successful guerilla war. If I recall correctly part of his strategy was to have a dedicated force within an impassable terrain who is reprovisioned through a third party source. If we look at history, in vietnam the impassable land was the jungle, the dedicated force was the communists, and the third party support was the russians. In Afghanistan the dedicated force is Islam, the impassable terrain is the mountains, and the third party support is the surrounding anti-American countries. 

A civil war is not a guerilla war though. A civil war is when elements of the same government resort to murder to settle their disputes over who controls the tax money. So if a true civil war took place it would be around political leaders who seperated from the central government and would already have the tax structure in their region established and would therefore be more capable of resistance through open war than a guerilla force. The NRA is not a government so it would not be any true civil war. 

After listening to the book Origin of Wars I believe the left and right struggle over how they see the government based on their relationship to their mothers. The left sees the state as the good mother and the right as the bad mother. So when the right gains power they go into panic mode believing that the bad mother is going to rise up once again and dominate them. The answer isn't to fight but to end the fear of the mother in the first place. 

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