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Sometimes I feel a bit invisible here, sorry guys


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Hey sometiems I get a bit irritated because I post some content and no one actually takes the time to check it out

they just post their own opinion on the topic headline without even engaging with what I've said at all

I tried really hard to arrange a guest for Stef's show who I thought would be really good, spoke to his secretary so no one else would have to. emailed him and posted about it both in show suggestions and the section for Diamond subscribersand got literally nothing back, I know Stef is really busy and doing great work, but seriously? One email saying sorry I'm too busy or it's not my kind of thing, or some feedback from the board?

I was trying to help ! and I got ignored.

On another occasion I was asking desperately for some info on the Concepts and Correspondence theory which Stef promotesso I can talk about it in my dissertation, I emailed and posted on the forum, I really didn't need much here at all, just a few lines of textI got fuck all, and then as insult to injury stef posted a podcast elucidating on that precise topic just a few days later, so the question could have been acknowledged, but went unheard

I commented again repeating my question and got nothing back


I've donated what to me is a lot of cash to the show, and I know that I have consumed content as well so that's a fair exchange

but it does make me feel a little unimportant, and like I'm peeing into the wind


I'm not looking for pity or for people to start going back and reading my threads as a favour,what I'd really like is some help with the queries I've raised, and a response to my offer of arranging a guest, whether yes or noand for my feelings to be acknowledged


Am I being unreasonable here?

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Heya :)


As I'm new here I can't really offer any explanations as to why you got no replies, etc, as I'm unaware of all the details. What I can say, though, is that I have a lot of experience with internet forums and means of communication and what you often find on large communities like this one is that messages don't tend to get willfully ignored. I don't think people are purposefully witholding information from you and it really is just pure bad luck. :S


I do see that they have a chat option here, though. Maybe you could try using that instead? Live interaction usually works best. You might even try calling the live show on Sundays.


Either way don't give up being awesome ;)

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I certainly understand being frustrated in not getting a response, especially when you obviously care so much about the show and have been a big supporter of the work that Stef is doing.

Stef’s aware that this is a problem, with stuff slipping through the cracks due to his workload, parenting, etc.  To address the issue, I’m going to be helping out moving forward to make sure stuff like your suggestions or information requests don’t fall through the cracks.

We’re still figuring out exactly how we’re going to do everything, so please give us a little time to work out all the kinks, but if you message me on the board or “operations – AT – freedomainradio.com,” you’ll get a response and I’ll get you whatever information that you need.

I really appreciate the guest suggestion stuff, and will be heavily soliciting that kind of listener feedback in the very near future. Also, thank you for making this board post, because it’s a very important topic and I’m sure other people have had similar feelings at different points.

The work that Stef is doing wouldn’t be possible without people like yourself, and I’m enormously appreciative for your support of the show.

I haven’t been spending much time on the board, as there is a huge backlog of other things that I’ve been focused on, but please feel free to email me directly with the details about the other stuff.

Let’s make it happen.

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I digress, but I would love to see the 43 threads combined into TWO, one where we discuss philosophy, economics, family, politics, etc., and a second that is about tech support, site announcements, administration, etc.

I think it would let fewer threads be overlooked.  Visiting this forum is actually like visiting 43 different sites.  It's difficult to puruse.

If FDR didn't want to make the technical change, the users could just pick one (the general feedback) and just ignore the others.

I'm new here, and I know this isn't Burger King, so I apologize for the unsolicited opinion and sounding like a fussy customer.


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I digress, but I would love to see the 43 threads combined into TWO, one where we discuss philosophy, economics, family, politics, etc., and a second that is about tech support, site announcements, administration, etc.

I think it would let fewer threads be overlooked.  Visiting this forum is actually like visiting 43 different sites.  It's difficult to puruse.

If FDR didn't want to make the technical change, the users could just pick one (the general feedback) and just ignore the others.

I'm new here, and I know this isn't Burger King, so I apologize for the unsolicited opinion and sounding like a fussy customer.



Using the 'All Active Topics' link under Shortcuts can be handy:


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I only use the Active threads link, but I also think sections of this forum "die" or stay relatively ignored because a lot of people might do what I do -- see the most recent threads through the Active link and not really wander from there. 

It's like being in a giant room with 43 different alcoves - difficult to navigate and I personally lose interest in checking everything.  It seems like things might be livelier with subjects more grouped, for example:

History, science, politics, economics

Arts, dreams, culture, news

Self-knowledge, philosophy, morality

Forum/FDR-related (could include meet and greet/intros)

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