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Ineffectiveness of Vaccination and Unintended Consequences


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 1981 May 16;282(6276):1595-9.

Pertussis immunisation and serious acute neurological illness in children.


The first 1000 cases notified to the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study were analysed. The diagnoses included encephalitis/encephalopathy, prolonged convulsions, infantile spasms, and Reye's syndrome. Eighty-eight of the children had had a recent infectious disease, including 19 with pertussis. Only 35 of the notified children (3.5%) had received pertussis antigen within seven days before becoming ill. Of 1955 control children matched for age, sex, and area of residence, 34 (1.7%) had been immunised with pertussis vaccine within the seven days before the date on which they became of the same age as the corresponding notified child. The relative risk of a notified child having had pertussis immunisation within that time interval was 2.4 (p less than 0.001). Of the 35 notified children, 32 had no previous neurological abnormality. A year later two had died, nine had developmental retardation, and 21 were normal. A significance association was shown between serious neurological illness and pertussis vaccine, though cases were few and most children recovered completely.


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Having a little bit of medical background particularly in the field of virology (orthodox medicine, if you’d like), I was always taught to be very open-minded about effects of any medication or internal ecology changes on the virus itself. Viruses are still extremely under-explored and there is no clarity of what they are, where they come from or most importantly how to combat them. It appears that viruses are very capable to adapt and even strive in changing ecologies. Most victories declared by the medical field have been proven short-termed at best.

By extension, immunization has its own set of challenges:

1.       With constant virus mutation any immunization effort is a catch-up defending against viruses that are no longer posing the most imminent threat (threat nonetheless)

2.       Immunization does bypass usual immune system defenses signaling that there is no longer need to have certain guardrails in place, thus potentially lowering overall immunity of the body.

This is all scientific in a sense that it’s all provable / disprovable and this subject is nowhere near being an open and shut case. Let me make myself clear: I am all for immunizations, but I am against ignorance, when people blindly state that whatever (government-paid) doctor says must be best for my body.

My major beef is with immunization programs themselves. Some of them are plain forced upon populace, others are usually surrounded by enormous hysteria and fear propaganda. The whole swine flu debacle made me wonder: within days of the breakout (literally days), we still didn’t know what impacts this virus would have on our bodies; there was no way to develop a reliable and well-tested vaccine; the only way to grow cultures even remotely useful would be by including ingredients that we know are harmful to our bodies; the only company that is capable of manufacturing the vaccine has all kinds of problems with their plants; and yet the government already spent millions of taxpayers’ money on this substance, while spinning this huge campaign of fear. Hmm! It sounds to me that John’s comparison to War of Terror (I mean “on” of course) is very appropriate – it’s all just a huge money transfer from many to few.

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Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1981 May 16;282(6276):1595-9.

Pertussis immunisation and serious acute neurological illness in children.


The first 1000 cases notified to the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study were analysed. The diagnoses included encephalitis/encephalopathy, prolonged convulsions, infantile spasms, and Reye's syndrome. Eighty-eight of the children had had a recent infectious disease, including 19 with pertussis. Only 35 of the notified children (3.5%) had received pertussis antigen within seven days before becoming ill. Of 1955 control children matched for age, sex, and area of residence, 34 (1.7%) had been immunised with pertussis vaccine within the seven days before the date on which they became of the same age as the corresponding notified child. The relative risk of a notified child having had pertussis immunisation within that time interval was 2.4 (p less than 0.001). Of the 35 notified children, 32 had no previous neurological abnormality. A year later two had died, nine had developmental retardation, and 21 were normal. A significance association was shown between serious neurological illness and pertussis vaccine, though cases were few and most children recovered completely.




Thanks, SimonF.  I've added this paper to my library.  Unfortunately, the people who conduct studies like this make assumptions on relevance of data based on their viewpoint and I wasn't surprised to find that they only included in the study those children who were hospitalised.  It doesn't say how many minor cases of neological illness were excluded. It also makes an assumption that only the pertussis vaccine was under question so doesn't include the history of other vaccinations.  For pertussis, it only gives information where the child was vaccinated within 14 days of being reported as ill so making an assumption that if the child became ill after 14 days, then the vaccination is not a factor.

The overall wording of the report seems to say that although there might be reasons for concern, the results were inconclusive which is as good as saying, "nothing to see here, folks."

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The folks at the atheist experience show are advocating to get all your vaccinations, including swine flue and what not. They will chew your head off if you say anything to the contrary.


That’s the part I don’t get: why is this religion / atheism issue? This is solely about weighing effectiveness of vaccine combined with likelihood of contracting decease and severity of symptoms with possible side effects of such vaccine. Nothing is 100% effective, contraction likelihoods are usually low, and side effects are always present. In the case of swine or even seasonal flu, the window between discovery and identification of possible culprit and required in-market dates is usually impossibly narrow, that only government mandated program would be able to “deliver”.


On a separate note, this is how Canadian government deals with those disagreeing with effectiveness of vaccines: schoolchildren with out-of-date vaccination records get suspended.

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The folks at the atheist experience show are advocating to get all your vaccinations, including swine flue and what not. They will chew your head off if you say anything to the contrary.


A sure sign that they're working from emotion instead of intellect.  "Just get your damn shots!"

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The folks at the atheist experience show are advocating to get all your vaccinations, including swine flue and what not. They will chew your head off if you say anything to the contrary.


That’s the part I don’t get: why is this religion / atheism issue? This is solely about weighing effectiveness of vaccine combined with likelihood of contracting decease and severity of symptoms with possible side effects of such vaccine. Nothing is 100% effective, contraction likelihoods are usually low, and side effects are always present. In the case of swine or even seasonal flu, the window between discovery and identification of possible culprit and required in-market dates is usually impossibly narrow, that only government mandated program would be able to “deliver”.


I'm not aware of this being a religion / atheism issue?  @Spastic Ink was just passing on that the Atheist Experience Show expresses specific view on vaccination.

On a separate note, this is how Canadian government deals with those disagreeing with effectiveness of vaccines: schoolchildren with out-of-date vaccination records get suspended.

Fortunately Canada allows for religious or philosophical exemptions (unlike the USA which recognises religious and medical exemptions although it is allegedly impossible to get a doctor to sign a medical exemption now)

Students who can’t be immunized for medical reasons, or who don’t want
to be immunized for religious or philosophical reason can get an
exemption, after obtaining an affidavit explaining the reasons.

Some interesting comments from the ctvnews article:
"It's not about forcing people to vaccinate their children. It's about
showing the proof that they have been vaccinated. The parents had
plenty of time to do what was necessary. Including showing they have
chosen not to vaccinate their children"
"If you oppose vaccinations you can get an exemption for several reason
(check on government website for list of reasons) , you just have to
have updated records. The government can not force you to be vaccinated
no matter how threatening or how many letters they send you"
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Most "militant atheists" worship the State with much more fervor than your average religious person worships their god. The State loves something like vaccines because it gives them an excuse to tax everybody and then buy the vaccines from a few labs who develop and produce them, then forcibly inject everybody in the name of "the public good".


Whether the vaccines are actually effective against disease is not a concern for them (the State and their lab friends). Even if they are not, they must pretend that they are, and wage a propaganda war to ensure support and compliance with the vaccination system. Almost any studies of vaccine effectiveness is carried on by funds derived from State organizations or the labs themselves, thus they are completely biased from the start. But even then, in many cases they don't even show what they are supposed to show (the effectiveness of the vaccine). And in other cases, doing proper studies is considered "unethical" because of the herd-immunity concept.


Even if it has been shown time and again that many vaccines have caused serious side effects that are often worse than the disease they supposedly protect against, these must be swiped under the rug and no serious studies are conducted to try to establish what the rates for these are, so that proper cost-benefit analysis can be considered as to whether it's worth it for a given individual to be given a particular vaccine. The assumption that doctors make is that vaccines can't possibly harm, so the more the merrier. They not only forget the potential for immediate and obvious side-effects in terms of illness, but also the fact that, even supposing vaccines work exactly the way they think they do, forcing the body to create antibodies against a plethora of bacteria and viruses it may never come in contact with, necessarily taxes the body's ability to protect against other potentially harmful diseases that it does come in contact with.

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I do not understand why [LovePrevails] posted the death rate from Polio rather than the number of people contracting Polio. I remember seeing a picture of a room with dozens of people in iron lungs. They were not dead, but they were also not healthy.


Here's a chart of the number of cases, showing a rapid drop after the polio vaccine was licensed. It also shows a pronounced drop two years earlier during the pre-licensing tests when almost 2 million children were administered the vaccine:


Posted Image





That's a fairly informative page, which does address many of the issues that have been raised on this forum by LovePrevails.


Now we can return to considering the coercive aspects of vaccination...

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Yes I think anti-vaccine vs. "nothing wrong with any vaccines" is a bit of a conflagration of the issue.  I have a bit of a problem with either side, though I am open to being convinced otherwise.I heard a story about measles outbreaks among children in anti-vaccine communities.  Would like some followup on this, but does suggest that .There is an issue, however, of course with the State coercing children to be vaccinated, and with the sheer amount of vaccines that are now subjected two babies, with developing immune systems.  Many of these vaccines are for conditions which aren't so serious, and often they contain a toxic mercury solution as a preservative which can have horrible effects on the brain.  It does seem to me that the companies which get the government patent and approval to inject this stuff in children are just making money off people's ignorance, and possibly experimenting on the DNA of the population as a whole.

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thanks for these charts i have not seen them before

Here's a chart of the number of cases, showing a rapid drop after the polio vaccine was licensed. It also shows a pronounced drop two years earlier during the pre-licensing tests when almost 2 million children were administered the vaccine:


Posted Image





That's a fairly informative page, which does address many of the issues that have been raised on this forum by LovePrevails.


Now we can return to considering the coercive aspects of vaccination...

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