Rick Horton Posted February 8, 2013 Posted February 8, 2013 What an appropriate area of the forums to share my vlog about the Zeitgeist cult. Yes. I said cult, lol. Oh well. I mean whatever floats their boat, but seriously I'm getting a LOT of thumbs down, and hateful responses to the video over at the tube, and not any rational rebuttals. Maybe it's not a cult, but then, maybe it kind of is, because most members seem to shut down rationality at the point imperical evidence starts invading their dream. Here's the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T9vxfp86n4
Rick Horton Posted February 8, 2013 Author Posted February 8, 2013 I've just GOT to add that I've learned a lot about myself since this video, and although I think I made the points I needed to at least put some questions on the table, I was more of an oppenent than an ally to myself because I was being really condescending. Not on purpose, but I'm learning as I go that I need to communicate with a lot more honor than I used to. I don't think insulting people made this video productive or at least as productive. It comes off like a pissing match, an ego trip, etc.... The thing is that I made a pact with myself that I would never delete these vlogs, because I think I should bear the responsibility of the outcome of them, and learn how to become a better man. So, yeah, I think I made a lot of good points in this video, but I CANT stand it, at the same time. Watching myself act like that is a constant reality check of how not to communicate.
Rick Horton Posted February 8, 2013 Author Posted February 8, 2013 It's taking self observation, thought, and feedback to reign in the beast from within!!! But y'know, I mean, I am moving more and more to that good place where I can communicate with more positivity. This video was NOT that!
empyblessing Posted February 8, 2013 Posted February 8, 2013 When we argue out of emotion we argue for our authority over the truth not for truth as authority.
Rick Horton Posted February 11, 2013 Author Posted February 11, 2013 Arguing with emotion is fine, and sometimes honorable. I don't agree with that assessment, but maybe you were saying when you argue like a jerk it's to be authoritive and not social.
Alan C. Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 It isn't necessary to invest hours debating the merits of their ideas. None of their ideas will ever materialize because the ZM repudiates private property and money which are required for economic calculation and division of labor. There are several threads on this forum (and mises.org) discussing this.
Rick Horton Posted February 11, 2013 Author Posted February 11, 2013 absolutely! But, and only but, if you put aside the money problem they still fall so far beneath the moral bar that it's just a real bad sign that so many people don't care about that problem with it.
empyblessing Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 I practice philosophical yoga. I am not a jellyfish nor am I a crab. Most of my thoughts will be wrong. "The only real wisdom is knowing you know nothing" -Socrates I try and disprove my own beliefs constantly and feel a great sense of accomplishment when I do. Vulnerability and humility are helpful finding the truth. Also, calling a group idiots is an ad hominem which serves the same function as violence and is an admission of defeat.
Rick Horton Posted February 11, 2013 Author Posted February 11, 2013 It's not an admission of defeat at all. It's rude, though.
empyblessing Posted February 11, 2013 Posted February 11, 2013 Quote It's not an admission of defeat at all. It's rude, though. Insults are verbal violence, used to reduce someone's image and value instead of tactly disputing their arguments. Calling someone a name is an admission that your arguments are not valid enough to be stated rationally and if they're not rational how could they be accurate.
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