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Chemtrails and Weather Chaos

David L

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I have looked into this issue deeply. This is because I was the host of the World Premiere of the film "What in the World are They Spraying" made by my friend G. Edward Griffin and some other young filmakers. I've since concluded that it is not a widespread phenomenon as is commonly depicted. I have a degree in physics and a very inquisitive mind. I very much WANT TO BELIEVE since Mr. Griffin, a mentor of mine, believed in it. I have even appeared on television about the issue though I only did so very relucantly for damage control purposes. I am not saying that it never happens or has happened. In fact a researcher just discovered and made public that the government did spray St. Louis and other cities as experiments on the population durning the cold war. What I am saying is this phenomenon is not as widespread nor common as people are making it out to be. As a person with a scientific background I had no hard data nor true proof to stand on when arguing the case. This lead me to question and my findings are that normal persisting contrails are very common and occur quite regularly.

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I have been compiling video documentation of chemtrails in the Miami area.  I see them a few times a week on average.  I try to keep a daily video diary of clear as well as chemtrail days. 

Occasionally, I see the jets themselves.  They travel at a pretty good clip going from horizon to horizon in a matter of minutes, and returning, leaving regular rows of plumed smoke.  To my eye, the plumes seem more luminous than the billowy clouds, less susceptible to breezes, and linger for hours. Most often they do it early in the morning, and are out of sight by 7 am or so.  I have seen them in the afternoon though, as well.  It's hard not to notice fast moving jets at near vertical descents leaving giant trails of smoke that cover the sky from horizon to horizon.  I have started to mention them to my neighbors, most of whom have not noticed.  Recently though, while I was walking my dog, an elderly lady called to me from across the street, asking about the sky and explaining she had never seen a sky like that in her life.

I think I recorded an actual contrail not long ago (I meant to, but you have to be quick on the draw with the phone) which vanished almost as soon as it appeared.  Not so with the long lingering rows of particulate that are sprayed every week.  These are certainly not due to any known fight patterns.  I have never experienced a near vertical descent or takeoff in a passenger plane, and I have yet to see any of the passenger planes leaving from or arriving to the airports create these plumes.

I have seen similar trails in Boston, Houston and once on a flight over Kentucky saw regular cross-hatched rows of sprayed something or other.

I am making no claims as to knowing what it is or why they do it.  I am thoroughly convinced it is by intention and not random, I think the regularity and uniform nature of the patterns would bear this out, not to mention the expense that must be involved.

I realize correlation is not causality, but this seems to me the wettest year I have seen in the 28 years since I have been here.  these plumes definitely create a haze in the sky that is absent when they don't spray.

I am surprised that no one here has direct experience of these things.  I have heard several accounts fro the Los Angeles area.  There are a lot of Youtube vids out there.

Of course, in today's world that which is right in front of one's eyes does not hold the evidential weight of some media hack yelling conspiracy,. Sadly, I am one of those old enough to remember that it's okay to believe the things that one experiences with one's own five senses.  We are fast disappearing.



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Like another poster mentioned, there has been covert spraying for (malicious) test purposes on populated areas. However, it was not done by mixing stuff in with the jet fuel. I find the idea that jet fuel is being doctored on a major scale, and that no whistle blower has ever come forward, to be so implausible, impractical -both physically and economically-, that only someone with little to no reasoning skills would believe such a thing. The logistics just don't seem possible. But like all conspiracies (and there devotees line of thinking), there is no proof it's not happening.



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The tinfoil is strong with this one.


Doubting Thomas, I will regard you as a message board troll, as your posts provide plenty of evidence. You slap the clichés on anyone with an opinion outside of your comfort zone and it is getting tired. Take that tinfoil hat shit Facebook or CNN.com. We like to have discussions here. We try to engage others in a way that we would prefer to be engaged ourselves. If you have nothing to add, step away from the keyboard. 

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The tinfoil is strong with this one.


Doubting Thomas, I will regard you as a message board troll, as your posts provide plenty of evidence. You slap the clichés on anyone with an opinion outside of your comfort zone and it is getting tired. Take that tinfoil hat shit Facebook or CNN.com. We like to have discussions here. We try to engage others in a way that we would prefer to be engaged ourselves. If you have nothing to add, step away from the keyboard. 


Sorry, but as others have since mentioned, this is one of those conspiracy theories that is so illogical and unlikely it boggles the mind to see people laboring the point. Perhaps I was unjustifiably glib; however there is nothing to engage with here aside from hearsay and conjecture.

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The tinfoil is strong with this one.


May the tinfoil be with you, always.

Considering the top story on that site today is Alien Body on Mars or similar, common let's be real.  The site is so fringe it makes you wonder if it's even connected to reality.

David L, do you believe contrails are actually chemtrails, and they're causing weather change?  Why?

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David L, do you believe contrails are actually chemtrails, and they're causing weather change?  Why?


Well, personally I haven't yet seen any credible evidence presented against the claim that "conspiracy theorists" are making, that is, evidence that explains the obvious difference between a contrail that has a lifetime of a few seconds, and a trail that persists for hours on end, expanding out and turning a large portion of the sky into a pale, milky white residue. I live in the Pacific Northwest and I see these latter trails a lot, they start and stop at very discrete areas of the sky, and are almost always configured in a multiple parallel configuration, sometimes with up to 5 or more trails. I've often seen them changing course abruptly and a few times even doing loops and turning around.  

Among other things, are they responsible for weather modifcation? There's lots of discussion going on now regarding this subject. Here's a trailer video for starters...



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Not that this is proving of anything or anything beyond anecdotal, but I remember when I was in Istanbul, Turkey in January and February of 2012, I did not see one single line in the sky resembling what is commonly referred to as "chemtrails". Not a one. Zip. Zero. This is with two major airports on both sides of the city.

In the other places I have lived during my life, Washington state, Vermont state, and Austria (especially in Vienna), the skies would often look like checkerboards from perfectly parallel and perpendicular white lines from planes.

I would be interested in an explanation on what is so radically different about the immediate atmosphere above Turkey as opposed to the other places I've lived that would account for this.


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Not saying you guys are wrong at all... but for those interested here's the alternative viewpoint.

Contrail Science

..., and I have yet to see any of the passenger planes leaving from or arriving to the airports create these plumes.

Here you go.

Posted Image


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Thanks, Mr. C for the informative photograph.

I live near the two major airports in the Miami - FTL area and have eyes on them daily.  I never see anything near them that resembles the image you posted.  On the other hand, in other parts of the county, far away from and not coincident to any flight paths, are stem to stern lingering plumes that spread out over the course of the day leaving a haze that is not evident when the spraying does not occur.

For example:

Posted ImagePosted Image

Posted ImagePosted Image

I am familiar with contrails that vanish seconds after they appear behind the aircraft, I have documented these for comparison.  The photos above were taken hours after the planes were gone and lingered long afterward. 

I am not claiming to know what these are intended for nor who is responsible.  I do know what I see with my own eyes and I see planes depositing what must be tons of particulate matter into the skies.

I find it interesting that on a site devoted to critical thinking and five sense reality, the tendency to discard all empiricism and direct evidence any time an authority figure makes the conspiracy claim is all too common.  Perhaps some direct investigation in the form of looking up regularly would be in order.  I know this is going on elsewhere as well.

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Again I'll point people to my original post 3rd from the top. This conspiracy is damned near impossible to prove with any reliance. Most of the 9/11 conspiracy data is far more convincing and conclusive (the good data). For those who say... "I don't remember ever seeing persistent contrails like this when they were younger" I submit stuff like this:


one of my favs:

at about 45 seconds you can see what looks like one of the bombers just shutting off it's contrail. I have seen this many time with my own eyes in our skies, as have many others. Most point to as proof that it is spraying because they are turning off their "spraying apparatus" or what have you. This is not the case. Clearly allied WW2 bombers didn't have spraying apparati on their engines and you can clearly see this phenomenon in that video. All it means is that the aircraft encounted a pocket of warmer air. Since I have some pilot experience I can tell you that such things do exist. The atmosphere is not a nice homogenous fluid.

Furthermore I have seen MANY MANY times an aircraft enter a high natural cirrus cloud and leave a nice thick persisting contrail in its wake until it exits the cloud

I have heard a talk by a pratt and whitney executive where he openly talks about contrails and that they do have an impact on weather and that NOAH, The National Weather Sevice, and the FAA were working on plans to reroute aircraft around atmoshereic conditions conducive to forming persisting contrails.

AGAIN I'd like to emphasize that I very much wanted to believe in the stuff because I became a proxy spokesman for it due to my activities and close associations with people who had tied their names to it. Namely G. Edward Griffin. However, I became very frustrated when I could not offer solid arguments which were not easily refuted and so I did my own research to a GREAT extent. Hundreds of hours online and casual upward observation. I have more... if it is needed.




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I live near the two major airports in the Miami - FTL area and have eyes on them daily. I never see anything near them that resembles the image you posted.

It's a very rare phenomenon at low altitude, this is one (I think the only) decent photograph of it's existence. You are gauranteed to never see this happen in south Florida.



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Again I'll point people to my original post 3rd from the top. This conspiracy is damned near impossible to prove with any reliance. Most of the 9/11 conspiracy data is far more convincing and conclusive (the good data). For those who say... "I don't remember ever seeing persistent contrails like this when they were younger" I submit stuff like this:


one of my favs:

at about 45 seconds you can see what looks like one of the bombers just shutting off it's contrail. I have seen this many time with my own eyes in our skies, as have many others. Most point to as proof that it is spraying because they are turning off their "spraying apparatus" or what have you. This is not the case. Clearly allied WW2 bombers didn't have spraying apparati on their engines and you can clearly see this phenomenon in that video. All it means is that the aircraft encounted a pocket of warmer air. Since I have some pilot experience I can tell you that such things do exist. The atmosphere is not a nice homogenous fluid.

Furthermore I have seen MANY MANY times an aircraft enter a high natural cirrus cloud and leave a nice thick persisting contrail in its wake until it exits the cloud

I have heard a talk by a pratt and whitney executive where he openly talks about contrails and that they do have an impact on weather and that NOAH, The National Weather Sevice, and the FAA were working on plans to reroute aircraft around atmoshereic conditions conducive to forming persisting contrails.

AGAIN I'd like to emphasize that I very much wanted to believe in the stuff because I became a proxy spokesman for it due to my activities and close associations with people who had tied their names to it. Namely G. Edward Griffin. However, I became very frustrated when I could not offer solid arguments which were not easily refuted and so I did my own research to a GREAT extent. Hundreds of hours online and casual upward observation. I have more... if it is needed.


Okay, so we have to retreat 70 years into the past to observe a couple of grainy black and white clips of phenomena that marginally emulate what I experience almost daily in the present.  Clips which show, incidentally, contrails that are a result of aircraft (bombers) following specific flight paths.

The trails I posted above are not coincident with any flight paths, they linger for hours in balmy, near 90% humidity and the crafts often deposit their payloads under the cover of darkness, in more or less consistent patterns of parallel lines.

Perhaps I missed the memo about all the recent South Florida bombing raids.

Or perhaps you somehow missed the hundreds of user uploaded images and videos of planes spraying the skies in various areas of the country, while you were searching for your "fav" WWII footage.

"Move along, these aren't the droids you're looking for."

Remember, it's only real if it's on TV and the authorities say it is.


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