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When to end a debate!

Rick Horton

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Another thing you can say first is something like "I'm not really sure, what that has to do with the question I just asked" and see how the other person reacts to that. Worst case they insult your intelligence, best case they explain how they think the two hang together (maybe in a way that wasn't obvious to you in a way that you mistook their argument for a red herring). Either way I'd rather try pointing that out first before I'd bow out of an argument.Also, you use the word "honor" a lot here and I'm not sure what you really mean by that. "Honor" is one of those words that has a lot of different meanings to different people/cultures, so I'm not sure why you use such an ambiguous term as a way of describing behaviour (and as part of a reason to opt out of a debate). Could you maybe tell me a bit more about why you used it here and what that means to you?

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