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It's interesting to me that if you check the forums information, this here thread has the most views at the moment. The most activity. Yet, there are no comments. That means more people are clicking on this thread than any other lately but nobody cares to give feedback. I'm fascinated about that.


Do you agree that by the very fact of enquiring you assume there is a benchmark/standard your question refers to and by the very fact of enquiring the standard has to be objective and universal?



I am sorry. I asked the question before I listened to your video. After listening I understant what your point is and I am on your side. Ignore my question.


... this here thread has the most views at the moment. The most activity. Yet, there are no comments. That means more people are clicking on this thread than any other lately but nobody cares to give feedback.

That's what I would expect from a thread with a catchy title but no substantive content (other than a link to a video). You will always get a greater response if you summarise the content of the video in the original post.


 What happens to me, is that I got to your video and end up watching several of yours, until I have to run.  I like your plain-spoken style.

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