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"Statists say the darndest things!"

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"Free healthcare isn't to blame for this."

EDIT: From an economics standpoint, this is a perfect demonstration of the reality of resouce allocation. If the ER is not allowed to allocate care by price, it is required to find other means. This results in allocatoin by queues and triage.

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"Most people don't want to pay for fire or police.... until they are on fire or being robbed and cannot fight off the thieves themselves.If you make things voluntary, simple things we take for granted will fall apart. Highways/Bridges, Fire, Police, Power, etc. will go to shit, to start. And once they go, everything else will go.You are living in a fantasy world where magically everyone's self interests will somehow coincide into a working manageable society. It's fucking crazy, I'm sorry."

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"Most people don't want to pay for fire or police.... until they are on
fire or being robbed and cannot fight off the thieves themselves.

you make things voluntary, simple things we take for granted will fall
apart. Highways/Bridges, Fire, Police, Power, etc. will go to shit, to
start. And once they go, everything else will go.

You are living
in a fantasy world where magically everyone's self interests will
somehow coincide into a working manageable society. It's fucking crazy,
I'm sorry."


That's the free market. It's what they live in now - to a very small degree. 

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I could have a more productive discussion with a talking budgie.

Likewise. I now no longer debate statists anymore. The whole process is just a reminder of those annoying contradictory conversations about religion and politics I had with my father over the years.

An old chestnut I heard after recently discovering anarchism, from my then girlfriend was, 'Who would build the roads Pat!?'

I recall spitting my coffee out in sheer wonderment at hearing this much loved statist of statements for the first time.. [:D]

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  • 1 month later...



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How about this one?

The forum I got it from has a post that reads:

"Doesn't even mention the framework of commercial law that makes operating his business possible."


So I guess without commercial law commerce would not be possible. And my personal comment from the picture is "standard day and time (GOV)". Thank goodnes for governments, without them, we all would have a different time on our watch and a different day on our calendar.



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So I guess without commercial law commerce would not be possible. And my personal comment from the picture is "standard day and time (GOV)". Thank goodnes for governments, without them, we all would have a different time on our watch and a different day on our calendar.


AFAIK, standard time came about because of railroad schedules. Towns
followed the sun, so one town might be 9:10 the next town might say it
is 9:18, and they were both right, according to the sun. That made it
hard for the railroads to schedule, hence time zones.

One of my favorite absurdities is the reference to the mythical beast known as "unfettered unregulated capitalism." Thing is, they aren't talking about the 19th century, they are talking about the time since Reagan. Always makes me wonder if we are speaking a common language.

And I wonder how many know that Jimmy Carter was the one who deregulated air travel, trucks and beer, which is the reason for the explosion of microbreweries. So all those lefties quaffing their favorite brew can thank 'unfettered unregulated capitalism'(or our best substitute) for their high.

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I've had some doozies pulled on me but my all time favorite was when Jan Helfeld explained to Stef that without the state, corporations would drive tanks down the roads of neighborhoods, point their guns a the front doors of random houses and demand all the owners' money.


I was like... daFUQ did he just say? And then I wondered why I was surprised.



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I've had some doozies pulled on me but my all time favorite was when Jan Helfeld explained to Stef that without the state, corporations would drive tanks down the roads of neighborhoods, point their guns a the front doors of random houses and demand all the owners' money.


I was like... daFUQ did he just say? And then I wondered why I was surprised.




I think that's what they think Somalia is like.

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I've had some doozies pulled on me but my all time favorite was when Jan Helfeld explained to Stef that without the state, corporations would drive tanks down the roads of neighborhoods, point their guns a the front doors of random houses and demand all the owners' money.


I was like... daFUQ did he just say? And then I wondered why I was surprised.




I think that's what they think Somalia is like.



I agree. But even if that were happening in Somalia, which in some ways it is, it isn't a reflection of anarchy.

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I think that's what they think Somalia is like.



I agree. But even if that were happening in Somalia, which in some ways it is, it isn't a reflection of anarchy.


From what I can tell things have settled down a lot, and the Somalia in the leftist's imagination disappeared about 10 years ago. But yeah, what happened/is happening is chaos not anarchy, with competing thugs duking it out for control of the appratus of State.

But the distinction between chaos and anarchy is lost on all who don't like the idea of anarchy in the first place. They just conflate the two and walk away.

Intellectually dishonest but there ain't much you can do but shake your head in awe and wonder at how hard we hold onto our beliefs, against all evidence to the contrary.

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  • 1 month later...

Got two good ones from debating my uncle this weekend

1. Well if you hate the government so much why don't you go to Syria?

After I asked him what would happen if I had lots of power and demanded taxes and had the force to back up my demands.

2. Thats fine, you would be the government then

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"We need to get the money out of politics"

Great, we can start with taxation.


"I fought for your freedom"

Wait, who are you?


"People have died for your freedom"

Or they died for a concept.


Liberal - "Support the troops"

Me - "These sorts of human classifications are determined by action, therefore you must support the actions of the troops"

Liberal - "Love the sinner, hate the sin"

Me - "Love the rapist, hate the rape?"

Liberal - "You're grilling me about supporting the troops, and you support rape! Tell me what you think is worse?"


"[Any argument about the financial crises that talks about regulation without mentioning the Federal Reserve and the Greenspan Put]"

So we are just going to ignore all of this?


"Businesses want to make bad investments"

This is a large argument in regards to the financial crises.


"If us liberals don't do it, then the Republicans will and it will be far worse"

If we don't rape this person, another person will rape this person, and they will be far less gentle.


Liberal - "Conservatives are owned by cooperations"

Me - "Don't liberals receive just as much donations as conservatives. Obama received more than Romney I believe"

Liberal - "To win the game, you gotta play by their game"

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"If you didn't vote then you can't complain."

"Yes we can."

"I for one think there is a legitimate role for government in modern society."

"The government should do something about crime."

"An unregulated and unchecked free market... well that's just anarchy."

"We eat safer food, take tested medications, breathe cleaner air and drink purer water all because of the government our tax dollars support. We also fly on more secure planes, drive on a network of Interstate highways, and benefit from federally funded medical and scientific research."

"Government trade missions help us gain more markets for our goods, government inspectors keep our power plants safe, and government laws protect us against fraud, discrimination and unsafe workplaces. And I could go on and on."


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  • 3 months later...

"Facts are largely dependent on which country you live in."


"If you don'y love it (enthusiastically gobble the shaft of..) then leave it."


"If people want to buy China's exports then maybe they should move to China and buy the exports there."

(Duuurrrrr. Those wouldn't be exports)


"American workers deserve more pay because they enjoy a higher standard of living"


"The best way to improve the lives of workers in China is to make them close the 'sweatshops'."

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Them - We need to push third world countries to ban child labor,

Me - Won't that result in them starving or having to go to more illicit and dangerous jobs?

Them - No, children need to be in school, not in sweatshops.

Me - They are barely able to feed themselves. Putting the words "we'll give them food" together doesn't solve anything, and it is quite clear the foreign programs that have already been in place to solve these problems have had detrimental effects. As studies by credible groups of UNICEF have shown, bans result in the starvation of the majority of children, and those that survive tend to end up in child prostitution and the drug trade.

Them - I can't believe what I am hearing... What kind of monster supports child labor!

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I was mentioning how a DRO would be well within it's right to confiscate property, If it was an agreed upon clause in a contract signed voluntarily.
The response/tantrum:
"you cannot have pure CHOICE and VOLUNTARY  decisions if FORCIBLE CONFISCATION is on the table.  they are an absolute logical opposite."
"your non-aggression concept is bogus as it  is based on an entirely mythological understanding of the behaviour of individuals and those of groups and tribes. You believe inherently in the GOODNESS of people which is your major and indeed, FATAL, flaw."
"My society includes freedom to live despite inability to pay.  it in you are allowed to fail as well as succeed.'
"How old are you?"
"You just want a gun!"
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  • 5 months later...

"I guess I just don't have as much faith in humanity as you"


" Let's say that all food producers in the world work together, and decide to not sell food to anyone unless they decide to give the producers all their present and future wealth; how would the market solve this?"

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