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"Statists say the darndest things!"

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How about this one?

The forum I got it from has a post that reads:

"Doesn't even mention the framework of commercial law that makes operating his business possible."


So I guess without commercial law commerce would not be possible. And my personal comment from the picture is "standard day and time (GOV)". Thank goodnes for governments, without them, we all would have a different time on our watch and a different day on our calendar.



Fair electricity rates?  Right because the rates commissions turned down a request for a rate hike from the artificial monopolies created by the fucking government, NOT!  Thanks man you just gave me my daily "State rage" moment.  

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"if you don't vote you can't complain"

-- actually, I think it's the other way around. I reject social contract theory, you accept it and consequently accept tyranny of the majority.

"at least I'm doing something by voting, you're not doing anything"

-- because apparently trying to educate and inform myself and others is a non-action.


"taxation isn't theft, you choose to earn money"

-- that's like saying to a mugging victim, you chose to leave your house, you weren't mugged, you wanted to give that guy your wallet.


then there's the crazy things the RBEers and commies say, that stuff is so nutty I can't even decipher it into anything coherent enough to summarize.

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Statist:  "In murray rothbard's book on ethics he says people shouldn't be legally required to feed their children!  WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?!?"


Me:  "Here's some pictures of some kids in the middle east that got bombs dropped on them thanks to your tax dollars and your support.  How do you worry about feeding children when you're busy killing them?"


Statist:  "............................Well the military.....errr........problem of the commons..............the roads!  WHAT ABOUT THE ROADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?"

Statist:  "In murray rothbard's book on ethics he says people shouldn't be legally required to feed their children!  WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?!?"


Me:  "Here's some pictures of some kids in the middle east that got bombs dropped on them thanks to your tax dollars and your support.  How do you worry about feeding children when you're busy killing them?"


Statist:  "............................Well the military.....errr........problem of the commons..............the roads!  WHAT ABOUT THE ROADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?"

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Statist:  "In murray rothbard's book on ethics he says people shouldn't be legally required to feed their children!  WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?!?" Me:  "Here's some pictures of some kids in the middle east that got bombs dropped on them thanks to your tax dollars and your support.  How do you worry about feeding children when you're busy killing them?" Statist:  "............................Well the military.....errr........problem of the commons..............the roads!  WHAT ABOUT THE ROADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?"Statist:  "In murray rothbard's book on ethics he says people shouldn't be legally required to feed their children!  WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!?!?" Me:  "Here's some pictures of some kids in the middle east that got bombs dropped on them thanks to your tax dollars and your support.  How do you worry about feeding children when you're busy killing them?" Statist:  "............................Well the military.....errr........problem of the commons..............the roads!  WHAT ABOUT THE ROADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS?"


Where I live most if not all the roads where built by the businesses like logging, fur trading, and mineral extraction. Many of these roads actually go back over two hundred years.  The modern government came along, put a layer of asphalt over the road, started taking peoples money and then claimed a statist victory.  WTF.




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Where I live most if not all the roads where built by the businesses like logging, fur trading, and mineral extraction. Many of these roads actually go back over two hundred years.  The modern government came along, put a layer of asphalt over the road, started taking peoples money and then claimed a statist victory.  WTF.




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Statist: Your facebook posts make it look like you just think government is the only bad thing and everything else is just rainbows and roses, but now that I've spoken to you I see what you advocate is a sophisticated system of check and balances - but why not take that system of checks and balances and call it a left-wing government?

Antony: No - I don't want it to be a government because with government there is no opt-out. If I don't like Starbucks I can go to Costa, if I don't like costa I can go to the local place down the road...

Statist: Not if Starbucks is the only coffee available.

Antony: Well government is the only coffee available amigo.

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Statist: Your facebook posts make it look like you just think government is the only bad thing and everything else is just rainbows and roses, but now that I've spoken to you I see what you advocate is a sophisticated system of check and balances - but why not take that system of checks and balances and call it a left-wing government?

Antony: No - I don't want it to be a government because with government there is no opt-out. If I don't like Starbucks I can go to Costa, if I don't like costa I can go to the local place down the road...

Statist: Not if Starbucks is the only coffee available.

Antony: Well government is the only coffee available amigo.


They never seem to catch on to the fact that they are worried about monopolies while simultaneously proposing one.

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