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Truth: The FDR Documentary teaser

Mick Bynes

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I was highly impressed by it, Stef!  Way to go!  I have a gut feeling that your documentary is going to be 100 times better than Zeitgeist 1, 2 and 3 put together!  That's really saying something.  That 10+ minute teaser was just extremely incredible.  Incredibly thought out and I hope it's change the way people will think and stuff.  I'm going to encourage all of my friends and even family to watch your documentary when it is complete.  I know it'll be better than Zeitgeist documentary films.  


There was a point where I forgot about your website and videos... so in 2012, I watched the first two Zeitgeist documentaries in the entirety and I watched a little bit of the third one... I was sorta impressed, however I knew something about them wasn't right... I remembered you and I remembered about your voluntaryism and philosophy.  I was introduced to your website and videos thanx to fellow FDR forum user PreDeadMan, a long time friend of mine sometime around 2010.  I stumbled upon a video sometime later in 2012 where you pretty much pwn the Zeitgeist movement and then later on... I got more into your stuff.  Around that time, I joined this forum.


I hope that the documentary will be successful.  And it'll open up a lot of people's eyes.  I know it will.

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The amount of reproductive fluid that was just released in my pants is record breaking. 

A docomentary is exactly what we needed.   This is the next step.  This will fill in the gaps (marketing wise) that 100,000,000 podcasts can never reach.

Freedom, may now be a REAL possibility for our grandchildren. (some of which are dying in my pants)


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I honestly didn't enjoy it. I think it's paced too rapidly to allow the concepts to sink in for the average viewer. The visuals bombarded me and I found them to be very distracting. I found Stef's vocal delivery to be too theatrical.

If this is FDR's Zeitgeist, I would have liked to have seen similar pacing and a calmer succession of visuals. I would have like to have heard a more calm voice.

This is my take. I do plan on supporting the documentary because of its truth value. I do not care for its aesthetic.


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I honestly didn't enjoy it. I think it's paced too rapidly to allow the concepts to sink in for the average viewer. The visuals bombarded me and I found them to be very distracting. I found Stef's vocal delivery to be too theatrical.

If this is FDR's Zeitgeist, I would have liked to have seen similar pacing and a calmer succession of visuals. I would have like to have heard a more calm voice.

This is my take. I do plan on supporting the documentary because of its truth value. I do not care for its aesthetic.



The first thing I thought was this is no Zeitgeist. Zeitgeist is more hypnotic and gets you much more worked up.  But I don't understand why this needs to be like Zeitgeist or why he said it was an attempt to be like Zeitgeist. Stef is best when he comes as hiself. I do see a diversion however minute from his usual offerring that makes it different from his normal flow, and it seems less Stefan. It's definitely no Zeitgeist. Zeitgeist uses extreme propaganda and emotional sabotage in getting it's audience to lean in a preferred direction. This film seems to be (as usual) a way more honest, philosophical symphony of ideas. Screw Zeitgeist. Stefan has a bigger and harder goal to achieve, and that is to share a philosophy based on complet rigor. I'm sure he'll convey that the best way he can in his film, and he is in the top 10 living as far as conveying ideas and compelling change in attitudes. Zeitgeist created robots. Stefan is building thinkers.

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Never used the facebook promote feature...until now.

Also, here's a reddit link:  http://redd.it/18uxdj


Awsome!  I think it would be great if Stef could run some Facebook promos when the documentary comes out. It is cheap, can be targeted to the right audience, and we could all chip in to fund the ads. 



I think that's a great idea, i would donate a bit towards a google adsense campaign.

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It will, but not at full potential, from what i see in the trailer...

In the period when i first heard about anarchy, I regarded myself as a sceptic because i was an atheist, knew about false flags, some things about fiat currencies.

But still when i heard anarchy i was thinking its absurd, i was too dependant and too deep inside current system.

Im trying to say that it should be presented more gradually, but again, maybe this is only first confruntation, its not the full movie yet. Instead of saying "national debt" is "enslaving children", which i agree with, Stefan should make this as a conclusion not statement. Maybe in the movie its explained further

I feel overly responsible maybe cause it contains my contribution.


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It will, but not at full potential, from what i see in the trailer...

In the period when i first heard about anarchy, I regarded myself as a sceptic because i was an atheist, knew about false flags, some things about fiat currencies.

But still when i heard anarchy i was thinking its absurd, i was too dependant and too deep inside current system.

Im trying to say that it should be presented more gradually, but again, maybe this is only first confruntation, its not the full movie yet. Instead of saying "national debt" is "enslaving children", which i agree with, Stefan should make this as a conclusion not statement. Maybe in the movie its explained further

I feel overly responsible maybe cause it contains my contribution.



What did you contribute?

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It will, but not at full potential, from what i see in the trailer...

In the period when i first heard about anarchy, I regarded myself as a sceptic because i was an atheist, knew about false flags, some things about fiat currencies.

But still when i heard anarchy i was thinking its absurd, i was too dependant and too deep inside current system.

Im trying to say that it should be presented more gradually, but again, maybe this is only first confruntation, its not the full movie yet. Instead of saying "national debt" is "enslaving children", which i agree with, Stefan should make this as a conclusion not statement. Maybe in the movie its explained further

I feel overly responsible maybe cause it contains my contribution.



What did you contribute?


maybe it needs more cowbell?

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I lvoed it, except the fact that Stef says: "Introduction" "Part 1" etc. these breaking-the-fourth-wall statements detract from the beauty of the narration



Yeah, I agree.  If you read the video's description, it's only a rough draft.  In the final draft, perhaps he won't say that.

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Great project, lots of work going into this I can see that. When I saw that tree at the start I hoped to see Stef walk in front of the camera and was excited.

I was afraid to say what Stone did....but you said it now. Don't want to be a downer but, yeah, I had something else in mind for what this would be and didn't enjoy it either.

Lately have been watching Walking With Dinosaurs and March of the Penguins with my youngster. Morgan Freeman. Kenneth Branagh. Their delivery style was studied and patient. They can do that, having the benefit of great scenes and 'actors'. I'm quite sure Stef could roll like that too if the director were to call for it. This one comes over too much like a youtube short but longer.

I get the impression that it has been scripted and then storyboarded up with nifty animations and stock clips in a way that cheapens it. It's like a radio jingle that has been stretched too thinly, extrapolated into a symphony. If it were me (as some day it will be) I would start again and deliver this in the grand doccumentary style. Ideally would be in person presentations the way Kenneth Clark did it, Carl Sagan did it, James Burke. I recently listened to Bill Mahar's Religulous being examined in an FDR podcast. How great it would be to do what he did, fix the identified mistakes, and re-interview the likes of Nathaniel Branden, Faye Snyder and Richard Schwartz for a viewing audience! Throw in some fools and some extracts from Stef speeches ala Seinfeld too.

Somewhere in the last sentence or so I forgot about how much work and money achieving that would involve and drifted off into another mental space which also left behind my negativity in exchange for excitement about what can be done. And for sure what's to come, or what I imagine isto come from what we've seen here, is a big step towards it. Thanks for that guys. Makes me want to have a crack too.



I honestly didn't enjoy it. I think it's paced too rapidly to allow the concepts to sink in for the average viewer. The visuals bombarded me and I found them to be very distracting. I found Stef's vocal delivery to be too theatrical.

If this is FDR's Zeitgeist, I would have liked to have seen similar pacing and a calmer succession of visuals. I would have like to have heard a more calm voice.

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