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Ann Coulter on John Stossel

Alan C.

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The whole debate is pointless. The entire point of government is to find new ways to control people. "Limited government" is a pipe dream. A fantasy. An oxymoron. Appealing to government to limit itself is nonsense.

As a result, there is no room in politics for a libertarian position.  Promoting a libertarian government is like supporting a pacifist boxer -- political freedom is the opposite of what government exists to do. 

She is right about one thing, though -- economic issues are far more important than the Window Dressing issues. Politicians merely use the social issues to wind people up, get attention and extract support. That's just for show. The real business of government is about money. 

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  • 1 year later...

Ann Coulter gets money from attention. She gets attention by making controversial statements and getting pulled into talk shows to talk about them. When people see her having an off the wall argument they get interested in her writing and buy her books. It's not clear she believes "in" anything.


It's a very simple formula that works for her, and the only way to derail it is to ignore her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

She is right about one thing, though -- economic issues are far more important than the Window Dressing issues. Politicians merely use the social issues to wind people up, get attention and extract support. That's just for show. The real business of government is about money. 

The war on drugs is not a trivial issue.  Millions are in jail, billions of dollars wasted, and it is the gateway to a facist police state.  It also involves a core issue of does the government have the right to tell people how to live their life.

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The war on drugs is not a trivial issue.  Millions are in jail, billions of dollars wasted, and it is the gateway to a facist police state.  It also involves a core issue of does the government have the right to tell people how to live their life.


I agree.  But compared to the back-of-house operation that occupies most of the government's attention (i.e., the banking cartel for whom the U.S. government works), the War on Drugs is small potatoes. 


Drug laws are, however, useful to them for cowing, frightening and otherwise (literally) beating the populace.  No doubt about it. 

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I don't know enough about what the average Libertarian lobbies for in the US. But pot legalization does (or at least used to be) a top of many of their agenda. She's a pragmatist of course, which doesn't necessarily excuse her. However, as has already been said, she is also a great disseminator of the ills of the Left, which makes a lot of her thoughts in this regard particularly productive.


As for the rest, well I can shrug it off as baseless assertions and her rather insatiable desire to annoy anyone who is not neocon. Watching this mind, I do think she has mellowed in older age. That could be me of course. I got tickled when the independent lady complained about her wanting to make divorce harder. If it's in reaction to 'no fault' divorce, then I'm with Ms Coulter. :)

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Ms. Coulter, like Stef often notes, is hella smart and a fantastic writer. Her criticisms of the left are second to none. However, she is a typical partisan statist with no use for those of us who realize politics and voting is for losers.


Exactly. The research in her books and her criticism of the left is absolutely fantastic.

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Coulter was getting close to making an important point about legalizing marijuana, but the short segment had to cover a myriad of topics. I am all for ending the War on Self-Medicating Americans, but paying a 40% mafia protection overhead to smoke legal weed in Colorado isn't my idea of the best strategy for promoting freedom and liberty.


If I were interested in breaking my sobriety, I would buy from a more traditional drug trader so as to screw the state out of the unearned spoils of war.

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Ms Coulter educating four leftist females regarding race baiting and history. In a very polite and civil manner I might add.


This is why I appreciate Ms. Coulter.  When I fancied myself a political conservative, I read a few of her books, and have not lost much respect for her since my conversion to anarchy.  As has been said, her criticisms of the left are spot-on; it's her suggested solutions that need further scrutiny.


This video was a perfect example of people entrenched in a particular paradigm, frustrated at their failure to invoke self-attack, resorting to emotional arguments and anecdotal assertions.  Coulter did nothing but present facts, and yet she was met with nothing but incredulity and hostility.


Whoopi seemed particularly discombobulated, like she refused to even understand the arguments at which Coulter was driving.  The audience was silent when Ms. Coulter spoke, as well, which indicates to me (because there were no "boo's") that there was some real cognitive dissonance going on in response to her statements.


I respect her the same way I do Rush Limbaugh; criticisms are spot-on, 99% of the time, and they're not afraid of being hated. In fact, they seem to derive the same satisfaction as any virtuous person ought from being hated.  Whatever the flaws in their suggested solutions, I respect people with that level of grit.

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