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Neither was the "good one", Lenin established a bloody revolution where thousands died. He had the Czars murdered in their home, Their children murdered. Russia was already slowly becoming more democratic, They were out growing Monarchy, And would have left that soon enough. Lenin was sent in by the Germans to destablise Russia so Germany didn't have to fight a two front war because of the enterence of America in World War 1.Without forigen interference, European wars fight themselves to a cease fire. Each side is equally matched, And the money it takes to invade is equal to what it takes to defend. (In the past, Now you can take down a couple million dollar plane with a few thousand dollar RPG) If America wasn't involved in World War One, Not only would World War Two have never happened, But World War One would have been significantly less bloody.Far fewer would have died, And the war would have ended sooner. Germany was set for World War 2, Especially because of the Treaty of Versailles. Germany was forced to pick up the bill for every country invovled, Which Germany was incapable of doing. So they printed money to the point of hyper inflation, Destroying their economy. It took millions of dollars to buy a loaf of bread, They didn't have wheel barrels big enough to bring the money in.A man spent his entire life's savings on a cup of coffee, Not only that, But this was The Wiemar Republic. It was total subjectivist land, And the Germans had horrible childhoods during that time as well. Most Germans felt they could have won World War One, They had a lot of troops forced to retreat. So a formerly unknown Political Part rose to popularity. The National Socialist German Workers' Party (A.K.A, The Nazi Party),The party with few to no seats in paralment slowly gained more seats. Adolf was a Socialist, Never forget that, National Socialist Germany was a Socialist State. He scape goated the economy, And loss in World War One on the Jews. I don't know if he really cared about Jews or not, but no one has ever really liked them in Germany, Or Europe for that matter. So they were an easy target, And through this he was able to rise to power. Remember, Adolf Hitler was democratically elected.He did NOT save the German Economy, He just set up fake corporations to accept bonds that he made as a shot of heroin to the economy. They were all promised to be paid for after the War, Which of course, Didn't happen. They do these kinds of bullshit things all the time now, It isn't realy growth, It isn't sustainable. It is just a shot of heorin, Morphine for a tooth ache. The problem is never solved, Or even talked about.And don't forget, Nazi Germany invaded Poland at the same time as the Soviet Union did. They split Poland in half, Right down the middle. Don't forget the Katyn Forest Massacre either, The slaughter of thousands of Polish officers by the Soviets. And don't forget the Russian Gulags either. Don't forget that the Soviet Union went to war with Afghanistan, And don't forget it collapsed under it's own weight. This bullshit just doesn't work. Violence achieves the opposite of it's goals.If you kidnap a women to marry her, She won't love you, If you steal a Tv for a present to a women, She will call the cops. If you hit your child to make him listen, He will ignore you long term, Only complience comes in the short term. ANd he will hate you when he gets older, And he is strong and you are weak. When you steal from a population through taxes, You can't expect everything to reverse. When you use violence to restrict people peacefully trading, You can't expect things to be differentViolence is the problem, Statism is the virus that infects society, It is always the vampire, The parasite sucking society dry. Some places are just more doomed than others, And quicker. Nazi Germany was horrible, And quick, The Soviet Union was probably worse, And dragged out. America was better than most in the beginning, And now it is horrible, ANd getting worse every day. On it's road to collapse.Think about it, America was the smallest Government to EVER exist in the history of man, And now it is the very LARGEST to ever exist. All the checks and ballences by all the genius founding fathers, And what did it get us? A Police State, You can NEVER restrain the state, We have tried Political Action for hundreds of years, It NEVER WORKS. No piece of paper called a "consitiution" will stop bullets from statists. You can never have checks and ballences with the state.    Every single Government since the dawn of Government six thousand years ago has collasped, EVERY SINGlE ONE! They have all oppressed their citizens, All stolen from them through taxes, All slaughtered them, Sent them off to war. Propagandised them, Messed with their minds. They ALL HAVE, Freedom with Government is a joke. It's like calling rape love making, If it is love making, You don't need violence or the threat of it. We need not more violence, We need a philosopical revolution.

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