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Dozens of WH senior staffers making six-figure salaries

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Dozens of WH senior staffers making six-figure salaries amid sequester woes

In the field of energy and climate change alone, President Obama in 2012 employed three advisers making at least $100,000 -- though one has since left.

The president kept on staff a "deputy assistant" for energy and climate change, Heather Zichal, making $140,000; a "special assistant" for energy and environment, Nathaniel Keohane; and a "deputy director" for energy and climate change, Dan Utech.

Together, their salaries totaled over $370,000 last year, according to White House records.

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The latest 2012 salary figures released by the White House show 20 staffers were making the maximum $172,200. Many of them are well-known President Obama aides, including Press Secretary Jay Carney and senior adviser Valerie Jarrett. Most carry the title of "assistant to the president."

But underneath them are dozens of "deputy" assistants and "special" assistants to the president, most making six-figure salaries -- like the climate change advisers. A review of the 2012 salaries by FoxNews.com shows 139 White House staffers making $100,000 or more.

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...the payroll under the Obama White House has expanded since the Bush administration. The payroll went from $33 million in 2008 to $39 million in 2009. Since then, the Obama administration has scaled back its White House staff expenses, but the payroll was still at $37.8 million in 2012.

There are two more employees making the maximum salary now than in the final year of the Bush administration. Two ethics advisers each make close to $140,000.

The chief calligrapher makes $96,725. Another calligrapher makes over $94,000, while another makes close to $86,000.

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Two ethics advisers each make close to $140,000.


What do these well paid ethics advisers actually DO?

"Yes, Mr. President, it's perfectly acceptable for you to kill anyone you want, as long as you think it's the right thing to do"

"Yes Mr, President, you can take a trillion dollars from the people and give it to your friends, as long as YOU think it will help."

"Why, yes, Mr. President, you can lie to the American people with impunity, as long as YOU think it's the right thing to do."

"Yes, MR. President, you can tell the world that Bradley Manning is guilty, even though he's never ben convicted. Just as long as YOU think it's the right thing to do."

"Yes, Mr. President, YOU can."

I'd apply for the job since I could do i for cheaper, but I'm afraid POTUS wouldn't like MY advice.

"Turn yourself in, son, stand trial for your crimes."

No, someohow I don't think he'd like my ethics advice at all.

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