Metric Posted March 14, 2013 Posted March 14, 2013 I'm officially putting on some tin foil for this one, so there's naturally some uncertainty -- still, only a couple things have to be true for this to happen, so I want to note a real prediction that follows from a couple assumptions.First, we know there is evenutally going to be a massive economic downturn when the bond bubble eventually bursts, and there is a pretty reasonable chance it will happen within the next year (basically, the bottom end of this trip through the business cycle could trigger it, and that is due to happen soon). This will be very, very bad for government interventionists types, and reveal a great deal of folly -- it is exactly what anarchist/libertarian/tea-party types have been loudly predicting since the last financial crisis.So far, no tin foil. However, if you assume that certain people in power are willing to kill a lot of people to create a smoke screen to blame the opposition (rather than allow them to reap all the credibility and potential political power), the time is approaching for them to do it.In other words, the conditions are perfect for a false-flag terror attack, to be blamed on anarchist/libertarian/tea-party types, who "want a revolution" or want to "end the fed" or whatever -- and it would have to be big. Not "school shooting" scale, but national economy scale. I.e. it would have to be big enough to plausibly blame an economic crisis on the whole liberty movement, painting them as the destroyers of the economy.So, I don't know what probability to put on this scenario playing out, but if it was going to happen, I would definitely expect to see it happen within the next year, just before (or at the very beginning of) a new financial crisis. I've never made a prediction like this before, and just want to make sure it is "out there" for the record.
Alan C. Posted March 14, 2013 Posted March 14, 2013 I don't think it's tinfoil hat, conspiracy stuff to say that they'll blame an economic calamity on liberty folk. Hugo Chavez blamed food shortages and rising prices on "capitalists" and the "parasitic bourgeoisie." Obama blamed rising gas prices on "speculators." Chris Christie (Gov. of New Jersey) cracked down on "price gougers" after hurricane Sandy. I think we still have a few years left. They'll keep inflating the currency for as long as they can. The trigger event will be a cessation of bond purchases by other countries which will force the Fed to be the sole purchaser. This will cause rapid price inflation and millions of Americans will suddenly be unable to care for themselves. If price controls are imposed, there will be riots and looting. That's what worries me the most.
Metric Posted April 3, 2013 Author Posted April 3, 2013 So, this North Korea thing has had me a little worried in connection with my prediction a few weeks ago, and now Zero Hedge has noted something similar. The one thing I don't see here is a means to blame libertarian types, but the idea here is that globalists could be orchestrating a smoke screen to cover a major economic shift, not US politicians, and they would be less concerned with placing the blame on libertarians. However, I don't want to discount the possibility that US politicians still have their own plans to attempt to hold onto power when something like this goes down. Quote The development of a decoupled China is part of a larger push by international banks to remove the dollar as the world reserve currency and replace it with a new global currency. This currency already exists.The International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) is a mechanism backed by a basket of currencies as well as gold. The introduction of the SDR on a wide scale is dependent on only two things: First, China has been designated the replacement consumer engine in the wake of a U.S. collapse. They have already surpassed the United States as the No. 1 trading power in the world. However, they must spread their own currency, the Yuan, throughout global markets in order to aid the IMF in removing the dollar. China has recently announced a program to sell more than $6 trillion in Yuan denominated bonds to foreign investors, easily fulfilling this need. Second, China and the IMF need a scapegoat event, a rationale for dumping the dollar that the masses would accept as logical. A U.S. invasion of North Korea could easily offer that rationale.
PatrickC Posted April 4, 2013 Posted April 4, 2013 I totally understand that the dumping of the dollar is very likely and has been on the cards since 2008. Countries trying to buy oil with euros. Others suggesting a mixture of currencies. I'm just very dubious that the US will attack North Korea, given it's nuclear capabilities. Not to say that isn't impossible, but there would be far easier less troublesome fish to fry such as Iran. Here is the next port of call for the US imo I partly say that, because the whole reason why the US goes to war with countries is to protect the dollar and it's not clear that the US would benefit much from the risk of all out war with N Korea. Not much to gain other than swatting an annoying itch in the far east. N Korea would have to make the first move I think and it would have to be a nuclear one of course. Having said all that, I understand it's all mere speculation of course. Still very interesting all the same.
nathanm Posted April 4, 2013 Posted April 4, 2013 All right, which one of you liberty types are responsible for destroying the economy? Come forward and admit your guilt. We're not mad, we just want you to put it back like it was. I'll admit I've been raising the prices on boxed cereals for many years now, honing my libertarian magic in the process. But I know it's wrong to do, I should be making them cheaper. But you get these damn fool libertarian ideas in your head and next thing you know you've impoverished a whole city block by the force of sheer will.
Guest darkskyabove Posted April 4, 2013 Posted April 4, 2013 Let me check. "Americans" lived with the threat of Soviet aggression for what, 40 years. How long after the "fall of communism" before the US Empire was engaged in a "Hot" war? In order for the military-industrial-socialist-prison state to ram their "mandate" down the throats of the ...baaaaaaa... they must have a "perceived" enemy. No one would advocate sending troops to Antarctica to suppress the WMD designs of penguins. But, "terrorists" and "rogue nations", OMG, we must stop them!!! Get ready. With $17,000,000,000,000 in immoral debt, lawlessness created by upwards of 200,000 pages of laws, constant whittling away of any concept of freedom, and, among many others, the recent addition of the anarchy of the Internet and Bitcoin, the Statists might have their backsides pressed firmly against the wall. What will they do? What have they ALWAYS done? Redirected anger towards others and commenced to killing them.
st434u Posted April 16, 2013 Posted April 16, 2013 It looks like you were right, Metric. We'll just have to wait and see who this one is blamed on.
Metric Posted April 16, 2013 Author Posted April 16, 2013 Quote It looks like you were right, Metric. We'll just have to wait and see who this one is blamed on. Yeah, just to be clear I'm not really claiming to have predicted this particular one (the marathon bombing), since my prediction was basically a correlation of 3 factors -- blame on libertarians, large enough to be economy shaking, and just as a new financial crisis is on the horizon. I did notice that some people on CNN were quick to blame libertarians before the facts were in, but in order for this to be a true false-flag against libertarians, the "official story" will have to involve libertarians, not just the early speculation/hopes/dreams of CNN statist reporters.
st434u Posted April 16, 2013 Posted April 16, 2013 That's true. And also, there may be more to come. The power of the false-flags is maximized when there's a wave of them culminating in a big one.
Metric Posted April 16, 2013 Author Posted April 16, 2013 Quote That's true. And also, there may be more to come. The power of the false-flags is maximized when there's a wave of them culminating in a big one. Very good point -- it might not be finished yet. Also, one possibility with regard to this marathon bombing is that I'd watch for anonymous to "claim credit" (according to official sources) since it's trivially easy to pin it on them (all they need to do is have someone write up an email no one can trace) and basically impossible for anonymous to deny it, due to their inherent decentralization. I'm not sure they are libertarian, exactly, but pinning it on them might have the effect of demonizing people who don't like the government in general.
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