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Rape Culture

Mister Mister

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I think the misconmmunication came from dark's overly emotional wording, and overuse of hyperbole (probably due to the emotion).  This is something I've been prone to do myself, so I certainly understand why one would do it and why one would resist it.


Partially, but not totally. My knee-jerk reaction was to assume he had some kind of agenda, and I pounced on the argument geared for a battle that didn't exist. That prevented me from properly analyzing his posts and seeing where we really disagreed - not the premise of his point, just the wording. This was the bad habit on my part.

It takes two to miscommunicate! (Almost always)

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The thing is that the Stuebenville case wasn't about "rape culture" it was about "impunity culture".  Certain people were allowed to act badly with impunity because they were good at throwing balls around.  If they had beaten a man with a rubber hose so it didn't bruise they would have got away with it just as much.  This is what happens when someone identify with a group and identifies the interests of a group with winning arbitrary contests.  That person therefore equates value/virtue with particular abilities and justifies all that those with those abilities do.

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Here's the latest in rape culture. http://www.vice.com/en_ca/read/inside-anonymouss-operation-to-out-rehtaeh-parsonss-rapists

Same shit happened to this girl, she got gang raped by 4 guys and they sent the pictures around their school...and I can't believe how everyone could clutter her phone with texts asking if they can have sex with her. And all the girls were calling her a slut. I think she comitted suicide, I need to re-read what happened with her.

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I am thinking that males commit suicide many times more.  Compassion is good, although I found it will not be reciprocated in most environments.  Feelings of being sexually mutilated and unwanted are ridiculed and the establishment does nothing.  Family certainly does nothing.  In all of these cases, I only wonder whether I would exchange places with somebody.  As gang rape victim, I could retain my raped genitals, get recourse and fairly wide expectation of emotional support.  Not good, but an improvement.  By perceiving myself in that situation I get perspective.  It seems to me rape culture is cloaked promotion of female fertility as a commodity (the commodity becomes damaged), and not so much compassion for a victim because of how selective they are in choosing who gets to qualify as having been sexually attacked.

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I wonder if theories like rape culture are a result from the epidemic of fatherlessness that we have in the west. As far as I know, one of the primary roles of the father is to provide a sense of security in the parent-child bond. People discussing this topic often seem to be in a state of panic/fear. Sprinkle some marxist/patriarchy theory on top of an already volatile mix and you've got a mainstream movement.

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