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Opening a political party with name "True Socialist Party" and educating people with the idea of free society!


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Hello Everyone,

This is kind of survey which i want to conduct here to know what do you think about it. As we all can understand that the true socialist are the one who advocaes free society ideas which increases the well being of a society and an individual. I always feel that the one who destroyes society (those human ownwers and controllers) hijacked that name because its simply so powerful word (as people just go for the name as you know, The feeling like socialist cannot be against society, No!). Too much is too much the one who destroyes society says they are socialist and use that name to bribe citizens. I just think, as it is justified in some way :), why not use that powerful name and go counter with those rulers and owners of our society who use name just to convience and win the election. I think as we the advocates of free society are real social reformer why not use the name SOCIALIST and i think its even easy to explain your ideas coz you are clear from first. I am not trying to play with people's ignorance and win an election but just use that name to educate Anarchist or free people ideas. What you guys think?

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This seems ilke a trojan horse type plan, and I feel it would be dishonest. My prefrence is to talk just about reason, logic, and evidence, mostly because words confuse me to no end.

Though I must admit that I do have some inclinations to take up a political persona and to run for congress. My promise would be to take the default position of most people and to not take action. If something good happened and someone praised me, I would be honest and say "how could I take credit for something when I have yet to do anything". If something bad happened, I would say "how could I be at fault for anything when I have yet to do anything?".

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