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$700 million in Katrina relief money went missing

Alan C.

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Where did all the money go? How $700 million in Katrina relief money went missing

Where did all the money go?

“Your guess is as good as mine,” David Montoya, the inspector general of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, says of $700 million in missing taxpayer money that Louisiana homeowners were given in the wake of Hurricane Katrina to elevate and protect their homes from future storms.

A new report released from the inspector general’s office shows that more than 24,000 homeowners who received grants of up to $30,000 to elevate their homes either misspent or pocketed the money.

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“Clearly, to give money out on the front end right after a disaster,
when many of these people lost everything, with a promise to do
something down the road, I think is counterproductive to what the
program was designed to do,” says Montoya.


Really? That's kinda how the state does things, isn't it? Takes our money and makes promises down the road...


But yeah, those coon asses spent the money on crawfish, Bud Light, Mardi Gras beads and fishing tools. But hey, if the federal government hadn't given it to them, it would have just gone to waste.

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