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Child who sees the world as it is


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I do not have the best literary writing skills. However, I view a novel or short story about a child (old enough to see the world and have decent vocabulary, but young enough to not be fully attached to the system) who lives in a totalitarian society, with propogandists in religion  (moral propogandists) and in media (event/incidenct propogandists), he goes to explicit indoctrination camps with "pledges of allegience", children are raised by parents who were indoctrinated and violent for the first few years until children are taken from parents to go to the indoctrination camp and people see this gross dystopian world.

At the end the child would wake up or something and briefly go through a normal day where all of the real world corollaries are show to the child, but instead of viewing things as inherintely wrong, he sees them as normal or justified. Or maybe views them for the first time as wrong as well after having had the dream. I think it could be a very interesting read, wake up people, or even be therapeudic in the way that a writer or reader could identify through the child with how the world is and what their experiences were.

This could be fascinating. I would be interested to see what kind of things could be put in there that would make the system's abuses so stark and obvious as to make the end point a more awakening moment for more people.

I am beginning to ramble a bit in my mind, so I will post this and see if my idea has made sense to people and/or if others seem as energized by the idea.

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