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Vaccinating pregnant women “halves the risk of pertussis in infants’ first four months” ~ A critique by Dr Suzanne Humphries

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Vaccinating pregnant women “halves the risk of pertussis in infants’ first four months” ~ A critique by Dr Suzanne Humphries

Another hard-hitting critique from Dr Humphries as she continues the fight against the vaccine industry's ongoing propaganda campaign.

This article comes almost in answer to a recent discussion on this forum about the mutation/evolution of our species due to vaccinations and other reliance on medical treatments,  The author provides documented evidence of the harm that vaccination is doing to us and future generations.

Some key points:

...In a more precise and well-designed study reported in 2013 by Heininger et al., where cord blood antibodies were measured they found no statisticially significant correlation between antibody levels and actual protection from the disease... [empasis added]

Since a vaccine creates different immunologic response pathways than natural immunity, the body will act according to how it was programmed by the vaccine. The body still sees the invader, but immunity doesn’t work against that invader the same way it would naturally, if it was first vaccinated and that is what is meant by “original antigenic sin (OAS)...” [vaccines interfering with proper immune response]

...When it comes to B. pertussis, OAS is very important and well described. B. pertussis secretes several toxins, one of which only emerges after the infection takes place. That is called adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT). Here’s how ACT works: Once whooping cough bacteria attaches to cells in the bronchi, a gene in the bacteria switches on and as a result, ACT toxin which acts like a force-field against the immune system, is produced. ACT stops the immune system from recognizing the bacteria and gives the bacteria about a two week advantage until the immune system wakes up to the fact it has been duped. In the case of natural whooping cough immunity, ACT or adenylate cyclase toxin forms the basis of the initial immune response. That front-line immune response is not only critical for eliminating the first round of pertussis bacteria, but also crucial for removing the bacteria upon later reinfection. And remember that whether or not one is vaccinated, they still become colonized when the bacteria is circulating. The difference will be that the vaccinated person will stay colonized longer and be more likely to develop some degree of cough, which is how pertussis is spread.

In natural immunity the body reacts very strongly to ACT, but because of original antigenic sin, and the absence of ACT in the vaccine, the vaccinated are not programmed to respond at all to it. Vaccines do not boost antibody to this toxin because as of yet, nobody has figured how to put that antigen into the vaccine. The naturally convalesced have over 17 times the amount of antibody to ACT than DTaP recipients have, and more than 9 times what DTP vaccinated have as measured after pertussis infection.[7] There is only a miniscule level of ACT antibody in the vaccinated, which is the result of their immune system’s paralyzed effort to mount a response after programming by the vaccine...

...The other reason ACT is important is that it is also a component to parapertussis. If you have recovered naturally from B. pertussis then you have high levels of ACT immunity that not only protect you from B. pertussis but also would be active against B. parapertussis, and of course, you won’t get that from a vaccine. [again, vaccines interfering with proper immune response]

So, add the fact that vaccines interfere with natural and healthy immune response to the already established facts concerning 1) the fatalaties and severe damage done to a significant number of people by vaccines, 2) he too-cosy and lucrative relationship between pharmaceutical companies, medical professionals, politicians, government agencies and NGOs not to mention 3) the lack of correlation between vaccination and the decline of infectious disease and 4) the vaccine-cartel's immunity to prosecution for any harm done and maybe you'll think twice about subjecting yourself and your loved ones to vaccinations.  More importantly, you'll help fight the growing trend of government-enforced, mandatory vaccination.


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