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You Can Always Leave


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phenomenal !! 




Does taxation really depend on threats of violence?

Isn't taxation part of the social contract?


'Like' the George Ought to Help series on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/georgeoughttohelp


You Can Always Leave is a crowd-funded follow-up to George Ought to Help, 


Additional thanks: http://www.georgeoughttohelp.com/ycal_thankyou.html


Would you like to be notified about crowd-funding campaigns for similar projects in the future? Submit your email address here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFRyLS1yMmt0M2x1X0lxZS13amRKa1E6MQ



If you'd like to provide a translation for the film's captions:


1. Copy the URL of the video to your clipboard.


2. Go to http://mike.thedt.net/ytsubs/ytsubs.php


3. Paste the url from your clipboard into the field on the 'closed captions ripper' page, and download the 'English' caption file.


4. Edit and save the the file in a text editor (The file has to be edited as plain text to be compatible with YouTube. Notepad or Textedit both allow plaintext editing) and send the translated version to info at redshiftmedia dot com. Be sure to include the name of the language you translated it to and your name as you'd like it to appear in the translation credits list.

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Guest darkskyabove

No, you cannot just leave.

Look up "exit tax".

If an American citizen renounces citizenship they still have to pay.

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Guest darkskyabove

Sorry, I wasn't clear. Excellent video, and I watched the "George Ought To Help" @YouTube.

As for the rest, I do not use Facebook, nor any other "social" media except this forum. The list of what I don't do on the Internet would be very long, indeed. No cell phone, either.

I fully accept that I miss out on some content, but I accept that due to principle.

Anyway, thanks for the post. I think the creator's simple, moral approach will make some headway. It's so much more likely to have impact than some of the convoluted and theoretical presentations of the past.

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Sorry, I wasn't clear. Excellent video, and I watched the "George Ought To Help" @YouTube.

As for the rest, I do not use Facebook, nor any other "social" media except this forum. The list of what I don't do on the Internet would be very long, indeed. No cell phone, either.

I fully accept that I miss out on some content, but I accept that due to principle.

Anyway, thanks for the post. I think the creator's simple, moral approach will make some headway. It's so much more likely to have impact than some of the convoluted and theoretical presentations of the past.



No cell phone, either.

I thought I was the only one left!  You have my deepest respect and admiration.



Sorry guys, I have to disappoint, I have a cell phone :)


No problem, honest misunderstanding darkskyabove. If I can suggest maybe you could join mises.org,  http://mises.org/community/ , if you already haven't. There is lots of good stuff and could keep you up to date. Thanks for comments, I do also hope it will make some headway since first one did quite well..

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"You can always leave" isn't an argument, it is an invalid statement, which the video provides a lot of evidence for. The potential ability to become less enslaved through escape does not justify enslavement, quite the opposite.

I've discovered a large issue with people in general where they don't seem to understand the logical implications of their views. They don't understand the process of invaliding a question or statement. This becomes way too obvious when someone accepts all of the evidence that invalidates their claim or question, but still continue to think that the claim or question makes sense. The best example I can think of at the moment is "God exists".

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