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I think a primary, natural motive for children is to get attention, NOT approval. 
-- To learn.  To be defined.  To have instruction and feedback on everything they're doing, seeing, etc..

For those who suffer neglect, we get older and might look like we're craving "approval" by whatever trendy, superficial bullshit people engage in... Or we feel like that's what we're doing this stuff for.

Is it primarily a need for attention, not approval, and not even disapproval?
-- Approval = good?  A part of us might feel, "No!  I don't want their approval... I don't care what people think.  I don't want to be dependent on people's opinions."
-- Disapproval = good?  A part of us might feel, "Fine!  I don't care what people think.  This proves I don't need their approval.  I feel good about instigating disapproval from people."

I think this describes the phenomenon of "I don't take complements well."

I think this describes the phenomenon of writing a daily "blog" of "facebook" of the events in your life, on the internet, for "EVERYBODY" to see...
-- There's the possibility that EVERYBODY WILL SEE what's going on in my life... What I'm talking about.  That's a bottomless pot of attention gold...
-- Aren't all these facebookers just Attention Leprechauns?
-- Seems like a living hell.  I think I understand this motive people are manifesting... Or at least THAT would be my motive if I did the online, public autobiography thing.

Stef's "The Dragon behind the television screen" dream analysis is at:


This topic is also touched on here, "Children just want attention?"


To restate my question in few words:

Aren't there many things we do for attention, but are usually mistaken or written-off as "seeking approval"?
-- Explicit approval form others usually materializes some baggage within the attention-needing persons mind, doesn't it?
-- Explicit disapproval form others does something similar?

"Attention whore" fits here.  Nobody says "approval whore", but don't we mistake the superficial side of so many things people do as "needing approval" rather than just "needing attention"?

All the tribal activities people do is for attention within the tribe, rather thatn approval within the tribe.
-- Dressing up, fitting in, "going out", "getting along", ..., ...
-- Talking weather, sports, small talk, ...  People feel, "don't be opinionated, or you'll be rejected from the tribe and receive no attention." 
-- It's not the rejection or approval or disapproval, but the attention that's primary?

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