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Anarchy in NYC, audio of Stef's speech

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Saw the YouTube video last night, and I was very impressed. I really need to find my way to one of these events. People laugh at comments that I would find funny. However, when I laugh in at those thing, people who aren't voluntaryists are at best confused.

Regardless, I really enjoyed the session and I encourage you to do these question and answer sessions. They always seem to fill exactly what the audience wants to talk about (considering they pick the topics). Plus you are a nimble idea machine who can answer them all seemingly flawlessly. Good work! [applause]

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I was fortunate enough to attend, and it really was a terrific event.  I found all of the speakers that I heard to be informative, but Stef's Q&A format really sparked the crowd's enthusiasm.  

As someone at the upper end of the age range there (I'm pushing 50), I was very encouraged by how bright all of the young people whom I spoke with were.  It's just night and day comparing them to the clueless kids I see at statist rallies on TV and youtube.  Makes me quite a bit more hopeful for the world my daughter is growing up in.

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I'm assuming the audience members all had handkerchiefs over their faces, the event parking lot was full of upside down cars, and the inside of the hall was lit entirely by molotov coktails and burning tires?


Yep! it was the best event of the year! [hexplode]

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