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Secret meeting between Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Julian Assange


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Here's a link to the transcript of a secret meeting between Eric Schmidt and Julian Assange:



It's a fascinating read. I made a short list of some of their topics of discussion:

  • The Architecture of WikiLeaks
  • Protecting Dissidents
  • Bitcoin
  • Toward Open Communication
  • Nature of Mankind
  • Inefficiency of Evil
  • Moral Crossroads
  • Impact of WikiLeaks
  • The Market of Sources
  • Disinformation


Notable Paragraphs:









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  • 5 weeks later...

He seems quite enamored with politics and mass movements for a fellow who is in so much trouble with the State

I was also quite amused to read Eric take him to task over the question of redaction and "harm control," and it was all the more humerous when Julian admitted that he actually has no interest in reporting fact, but merely verifying the source. In essence, I think he's well positioned to be a stooge of State power and censorship. I wouldn't count on anything he drums up to be ground-breaking unless it flatters hypocritical leftists political movements.

All in all he appears to be a very confusing character indeed. I don't know much about him, aside from the media smears which aren't worth repeating, but based on this interview alone I would say he's not interested in peaceful parenting, non-aggression, or free markets.


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