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Rawls' Theory of Justice


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I got all the way through my Philosophy undergrad education without taking a class that focused on Political Philsophy (whoops!). My interest in Philosophy really picked up speed when I was searching for the justification for government, and I love to ask statists where this justification is. When I was a statist, I would at least do the lip service to social contract theory, but it's so trivially easy to debunk that there MUST be a more nuanced justification that the more cerebral statists are drawing from.I haven't read the original work yet, but I'm at least finding different summaries. I'm vaguely familiar with the concepts, but has anyone studied this word-by-word and actually gone through the ins and outs of the text? At first glance, it's just looking like a very messy way to cheat emotivism into the picture. But I know I'm being a bit lazy and not very charitable at this stage... Have any of you gone through this in a class and have heard it defended? Are there scraps of it to be salvaged? Is it a fun read? Let me know!

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