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A Personal Update

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Stef, you've helped me inprove my life more than any individual I've ever known.

I'm writing this with feelings of both sadness and hopefulness.

Thank you for informing us of your diagnosis.  I looked up lymphoma and found there to be many variants along with a wide range of "cure" rates.  I know there isn't much I can do to help other than continue to support your work to the best of my ability and living the personal liberty I want to see in this world.

I'm very much looking forward to seeing you again at Porcfest this year and plan on being less shy in person so that we might have a more in depth discussion (in the past I normally just said hello, gave a hug, and engaged in brief conversation).

Anyways, I'm a bit out of whack emotionally right now so I can't think of what else I want to say/write other than both my wife and I send so much love to you and your family Stefan.

Please keep us aprised of any updates/changes in your treatment.

Thanks again for your update and I hope you have a wonderful day.


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Hi Stef,


Best wishes to you for a speedy full recovery and a long happy life.



p.s. If you will accept this suggestion from me, I have found http://robbwolf.com/what-is-the-paleo-diet/ works wonders. I'm back in shape after starting to balloon up 3 years ago, I got back the energy I had at 30 (I'm 47), I no longer need to wear glasses, and various other spectacular changes like that.

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I'm so sorry to hear of this awful news. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to face such a prognosis. I'm guessing you probably don't want to hear a lot of eulogizing right now, but I would just like to say that I really appreciate your contibution to the quality and richness of my life. I am deeply saddened by this news, but am not giving up hope that I will have you as an engaging, entertaining, and enlightening "commuting companion" for years to come.

I hope to meet you at "Liberty on the Rocks" in Toronto this month, if you are still planning on attending.

Best wishes to you and your family.

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Thanks for Sharing Stef. You have been a huge influence in my life over the past few years. For Everyone's sake I am thinking positively that you will have a full and speedy recovery. Thanks for being a Great Human Being in a time when so many aren't.

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Good luck, buddy!

I went through something similar - a dermatofibrosarcoma grew on my hand. After delays and futzing about in the UK's National Health Service the lump was removed. They messed it up and I had to have a second operation.

I found out later that the technique the NHS used is relatively primitive and has a 5% chance of recurrence, usually fatal. In the US, one can have cancers like these removed with Moh's technique (where the surgeon uses a microscope while excising), which has only a 0.2% chance of recurrence. If I had known, I would have found a way to raise the funds.

Anyway, so far so good, no sign of recurrence. I wish you the best too.

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Hi Stefan,

I was a minarchist until I heard your closing speech at Libertopia in October 2011. I saw you again at Libertopia in 2012 and met you and shook your hand right before you gave your opening speech. I looked you in the eye and told you that you helped to change my life. Seeing your beautiful and real wife there with your extremely free and happy daughter spoke volumes of the decent man and good father you are. Your thoughtful and rational approach regarding the state and the root of why humans accept statism is exactly the message the world needs. We (the world) need you to stick around a lot longer because your work isn't done Stefan!

(Oh man, I had to take a break for a few minutes while writing this because I was overcome with grief and I don't cry unless something hits me pretty hard.)

Anyway, you and your beautiful family are in my thoughts Stefan and I wish for you a quick and speedy recovery...and I'm looking forward to seeing you again at the next Libertopia! 

Thank you for everything you do.



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Hi Stef. Me and my wife haven't spent a day without listening to at least one of your podcasts / videos. We really have no words to thank you for everything you've done in all these years.

It turns out that we're both oncologists. Although we live and work far from where you are (Argentina), we want you to know that we are here for anything you need. Although it may seem odd, things are not so bad here when it comes to health care, as there is room for private sector activity.

We've treated many patients with lymphoma during the last 15 years, and so far none of them have relapsed. The side effects of the treatments are temporary, and the chances of cure are usually very high.

We are sure that you are in good hands, but if you have any doubt, you can count on us (for a second opinion, for advice regarding symptom control and, if needed, a place to receive treatment).

All the best!

Mariana & Marcelo

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As so many others have said and countless will say, it is absolutely both heartbreaking and inspiring to hear this-heartbreaking that you will have to go through this ordeal, and inspiring (as is so much that you have done)  to see your outlook and attitude.  I have only been listening to the podcasts for about 4 months now (but rapidly trying to catch up) and I cannot express the impact that your knowledge and expression has had on my life, on how many hours, days and years of personal pain and struggle that your podcasts and books have saved me.  I know that there isn't much I can do personally to help other than offer my best wishes and thoughts (along with everyone in the FDR community), but I also will do my very best to live my life in pursuit of my values, of these values of truth and reason that FDR has given me-that is the best tribute and thanks that I can offer at this point.  Again, my heart goes out to you and your family, and while I know that you are strong and will not let this get you down my enormous sympathy to you and your family.

                                                                                                      Warmest regards,




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Stef...... we have spoken to each other for a grand total of 30 mins.. and yet I cried while listening to this update.... cried harder than I have ever cried even in the face of worse news about people I have known for much longer... Over the course of the last 5 years you took a very important role in my life... You have even become a character within my Mecosystem...You are and always will be the single biggest influence in my life.

Even though we may never know each other on a personal level, and the fact that I have graduated from FDR, I assure you that I will continue to support you and this endeavor that you started for as long as I have an income... I have gained much more from you than I can ever give back.

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Stefan, just wanted to let you know -- a little less than 3 weeks ago, about the time you were getting this diagnosis, my first child was born.  The non-violent parenting he will experience is due in large part to your work over the last few years.  Get well -- the world is a much better place with you in it.

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Not sure if you have the bone marrow/pbsc transplant already covered but if we both happen to be HLA compatible I'm more than willing to become a donor if you ever need it.
(note: i live in argentina and i don't know what my HLA type is yet)

Wish you the best.

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It's so weird, I've never personally met you, but watching this made my jaw drop to the floor and my heart feel heavy with sorrow. Maybe because you've become such a familiar voice in my head who has taught me the most thus far and how much more enlightened I've become since I've started listening to your podcasts. The possibility of never hearing anything new from you again is an inevitable one since many years will pass, and obviously I'm not going to say that that day might come sooner, but it is what I felt at first. 

Of course, you still seem relatively healthy and happy and I think it's unfair to be this sad for someone I've never met in person, let alone someone who has taken it all in stride much more than any other person could. So for that, I am thankful that you've decided to push onward and continue the spread of philosophy despite (or in spite) of this. So if you're this happy still, I will be too since the cancer hasn't affected you too drastically.

I know you'll research the hell out of this like you would with the topics discussed here at FDR, and hope that you find a cure. I look forward to the day you update us with the remission of the cancer and that we can find comfort in the reaffirmed certainty that you will keep up the good work!!!

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Definitely not the sort of personal update I was expecting to hear.  Very saddening, but here's to hoping you can kick some lymphoma ass to the dirt.  Also, scar-covering or no, the beard looks good.  Surely whiskers add a little philosophical power in a historical sense.

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There is no one on earth who deserves to live a full, long & happy life more than you do Stef. 

I'd like to donate towards your treatment & any future treatment if you could set something up. You are way too important to us all not to get the very best treatment available.

Loads of LOVE & HUGS to you, Christina and Izzy.

Bob & Rach


PS. The face fuzz must stay. It's very becoming.

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Stef,No epic words of encouragement or anything, but you've been a positive influence on my own thinking these last several years. I wish you all the best as you deal with this medical matter. Here's hoping you knock down cancer like a bad argument.

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Gosh, Stef. I'm very sorry to hear this.

It's important to keep your immune system strong. I don't know what kind of treatment you'll receive, but if it's anything like my dad received then it could cause you to lose your appetite and make you very weak.

I'd strongly encourage you to pick up a NutriBullet, and I'm offering to buy one for you. I paid $100 for mine at Target and I use it daily. It will liquify anything you put in it.

I buy 1lb bags of frozen brocolli and cauliflower florets. I empty one bag at a time into a storage container and keep it in in the refrigerator.

I also use fresh spinach leaves, but any leafy green should suffice. Some people prefer kale or swiss chard.

One of the most important ingredients is red beet.

I buy which ever fruits are on sale: red grapes, kiwi, black berries, blue berries, or strawberries.

I also add a piece of banana which helps mask any unpleasant flavors. You should be eating bananas anyway and they're dirt cheap.

Lastly, I add nuts. I buy bags of sunflower seeds (shells removed), walnuts, and "fancy" mixed nuts (all raw, unsalted, and unroasted). The "fancy" mixed nuts contain almonds, brazil nuts, hazel nuts, pecans, and cashews. I usually alternate each day.

I often use an entire apple (remove seeds first) if I want fresh apple juice or an entire orange for fresh orange juice.

Also add the following capsules to your diet (with meals): cayenne pepper, turmeric, garlic extract. I buy these at Walmart.

I'm sure others might have some suggestions and you can also search online for ideas.

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I'm very saddened that this would happen to the "bullet proof" man, who has been such a huge example to so many—of fighting the cancer of the false self, of living each day as if it may be the last—and who has spoken so often and so passionately about the importance of holding death close.

It seems like the most terrible injustice. I'm so sorry, Stef. I share in the hope of the good prognosis.

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hey stef, i am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. i have jsut donated 500$ to your account to help in a small way to cover your bills. i must ecourage every freedomain radio listener to do the same. if you value your freedom, let's help stef get better the best way we can.

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Nice one Phil.

I would like to donate too, but would not like any of the money to go to the state in the form of taxation.

Can you set something up seperately Stef so we can send money as a gift, specifically for your treatments?



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Nice one Phil.

I would like to donate too, but would not like any of the money to go to the state in the form of taxation.

Can you set something up seperately Stef so we can send money as a gift, specifically for your treatments?




If you get the email address Stefan uses for his Paypal account there is a selection to send money that says "I'm sending money to family and friends" and Stefan will get all the money without Paypal fee's as long as you pay with your Paypal balance or bank account. I'm not sure you can "gift" to Freedomainradio so it won't be subject to taxation, but perhaps Stefan has a personal Paypal account that you can "gift" to?



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